~ One - The Discovery - Padme ~

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"Padme, surely you have noticed the differences within the Senate." 

"It's not that I haven't, it's just hard to believe." Pacing my office, trying to wrap my head around the idea. I'm no stranger to taking risks, but the idea of Palpatine committing such things... "Who also knows about this?" Turning to Bail, my thoughts racing. When he had rushed into my office, datapad in hand and appearing disturbed, I never thought this would be the cause. 

"Only us and Mon Mothma. I thought that keeping this on the down low would be best suited considering the circumstances." I nod, thinking over the options. Palpatine has committed more crimes, war caused and not alike, than perhaps even Count Dooku. It is even possible he orchestrated the war itself to gain more emergency power that the Senate has been throwing at him for I don't know what. Besides the power, what is he gaining in all of this? "Do we know who is helping him cover up this mess?" Bail raises an eyebrow before speaking. 

"The Trade Federation is most definite, possible senators like Burtoni and Deechi, and maybe even the Banking Clan has some understanding of this." War mongers, no surprises there. From day one they have been at the Chancellor's side, slowly elongating the war for their own gain. It is sickening, my stomach churning, unsettled. To think he used to be one of my most trusted advisors as queen!

What will Anakin think of all this? 

I remember him saying that he and Ahsoka had left the Jedi Order, that they couldn't stay after the trial and what the Jedi High Council told them about it being her Grand Trial. Anakin had explained what the Grand Trials were back when he first was promoted to Jedi Knight, and the way the Council handled themselves was utterly disgusting. I might still work with and respect them, but I have to agree on Barris Offee's point of view. Just like the Senate, the Jedi have become too far consumed by the war and military occupations as Generals of the Army of the Grand Republic. 

They had told me about their joint vision, and despite my worry and fear, I urged Anakin to go with Ahsoka. Our marriage is now technically allowed, him not being in the Order any longer, but we decided to keep things on the down low for now. Although, he promised to call me via comm holograph much more often since we do not have to hide. Bail and Mon know now, and my aides have known since they've caught us on accident before. 

"You are worried about your husband's reaction to this news, aren't you?" Slightly startled from my deeper thoughts, I nod. "Palpatine is practically a father to him. But looking back on it now, it almost seems like he has been monitoring him." Bail nods in agreement, his face filled with thoughtful contemplation.  

"What about his apprentice, Ahsoka Tano? She survived her trial after Anakin found the true culprit, but I have not heard from her since." A sad smile graces my lips at the memory of my sister/niece. She had been so cautious, and no wonder. "She was the one to initially leave the Order, Anakin simply followed in agreement with her decision. They are on the mission I mentioned before together." He nods, unreadable. 

"I suggest we keep this from the prying eyes and ears of the Senate and Chancellor. Mon and I will be continuing to gather evidence and looking out for more traitors within the Senate. I was hoping however, that you would join us. We could use your talents, and influence." I nod, in total agreement. "Of course! Democracy must resume, the war must end. You and I both know I have been against this fighting from back when Master Kenobi made the discovery of the Clone Army in the first place." Bail smiles, bowing in respect as he leaves. Once alone, I allow myself to be exhausted, Teckla coming to my side immediately. 

"My lady, you must rest! Plese allow me to take you back to your apartment!" I smile tiredly, nodding at her request. "You're right. Thank you. After we return, you are free to go, be with your family." She almost attempts to protest before noticing my insisting look. She sighs, nodding, but her face reveals her gratitude. 

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