~ Ten - Why Does EVERYTHING Go Wrong On Missions? - Anakin ~

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"Well, what a fine mess you've gotten us into Brother!" I roll my eyes at Sister Emlyn. Her violet double bladed saber crashing into the dark figures of shadowy, Sith versions of us. Sister Nadia was busy backing us up, her white double blade and calm presence harmonizing the field and ourselves. 

I sure hope Snips and her clan are getting their side of the job done

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I sure hope Snips and her clan are getting their side of the job done. Especially with not only these creatures of pure darkness, but also Mace Window himself with the Clone Force 99 and some of his men. The ones who came here for the senators, and no doubt confused out of their minds at the prospect of what kind of battle they stumbled into. Their blasters won't do anything. Sidious had somehow found out about our endeavors. Probably one of the Jedi ratting out to Palpatine. Surprise surprise. 

I can't help worrying about Padme as I slash through these beings. Praying to the Force that she and our child are alright. I can tell that things need to end soon. Even with our training, we aren't invincible. We've been going at this for hours now, with no end in sight. Unsurprisingly, Palpatine is trying to flush us out with these evil copycats. And with the clones and Window here...

Summoning the Force around me, I, for lack of better word, chuck a blast of energy, wiping out several of the shadowy beings, turning them to dust. The sisters catch on, following my example. Utilizing both our sabers and abilities, the numbers of our opponents dwindle down much quicker. Soon enough, all of them are taken out, leaving us slightly drained. My abilities have doubled if not, tripled since I left the Jedi, but it does take a high amount of energy, even with enhanced stamina. 

Wiping sweat off my forehead, I turn my attention to the next priority. Getting us all the kriff out of here. Sister Emlyn quickly uses the Force to push the clones and Windu into our ship while we follow suit. The senators are already in there, and, after a quick headcount, we immediately take off once boarded. We have to meet Snips and the others at the rendezvous point. 

"Skywalker, what in the galaxy are you doing?" As the sisters go to take off, I glance over at the Jedi Master who has practically been the bane of my existence within the Jedi Order since I was nine. "Well Windu, if you had noticed the large-scale attack that you were no help with, you would have noticed that we are doing you a favor. You're welcome." I can hear the clones trying not to snicker at Mace Windu either shocked into silence, or seething. Probably both, and it is hilarious to watch.

"Elder Brother, come in." Opening up communication, I answer the call. "Skywalker here." The familiar holo image of two of Ahsoka's clanmates lights up the screen. It's easy to tell that they are running, probably to flee the scene. "Sisters, are you arriving at the location?" Something is up, because from the way they glance at one another, I can tell that something happened. "What happened?" 

"Ahsoka and Soren were first being chased by two Jedi Masters and a few high-ranking clone troopers from different battalions, then Sidious decided to chuck a kriffing ton of dark beings onto us, and to top it all off, Soren took a beating for Ahsoka and is now unconscious. The dark beings have been defeated, and yes, we are heading to the location discussed." My heart clenches, it seems Snips got my luck with mission plans. "We will meet you there. Take Brother Soren to the medical bay once on the ship. Skywalker out." The connection is cut out and I head to the medical bay where, unsurprisingly, Sister Nadia is waiting. 

"I am assuming Brother, that you could possibly require some assistance in this task." I nod, not even questioning how she found out, let alone got here. She's a Water Warrior, and they know all, see all, hear all. Kix taught me a few things since Ahsoka seemed to inherit my recklessness, and after finding out about Padme's pregnancy, I took it upon myself to learn a few things about Force Healing from some of the Sages at the Cavern. I'm not as talented by a longshot, but Ahsoka has picked up on a few things, and is better at some techniques than I am. It's far better than nothing. 

"Young Soren seems to care deeply for your former student. I haven't seen him connect to another so quickly before. I glance at Nadia, who is smiling softly. Now thinking about it, those two have gotten close. Between all of her clanmates, they have something of a unique bond with one another that seems to be steadily growing. Even if she's grown close bonds with each of her clanmates, it seems that those two have a little bit different of a dynamic. "Yeah, it would seem like that." 

"It's been so long since I've seen something like that for him. Not since his apprenticeship." I look up at her, noticing the nostalgic expression on her face. "Did you train him?" She nods, smiling. "Yes, Soren was my student. The Force was right in leading us to one another, especially at the time it did. He has been through quite the life experiences, and many of them not preferable. From what I've heard, our former students have much in common." I stare at her, silently urging her to continue. 

"Soren was trained by a Jedi Master in secret, a padawan hidden away from their council, and was meant to be a bargaining chip. His master was corrupted, plotting to utilize his secret student as his gateway into the Sith. He was trained to be a warrior, an assassin, but Soren doesn't have the heart for the darker side. There is darkness in him, as in all of us, but he always has rather associated with life than death. I've seen it. He eventually rebelled against his master, after watching him attempt to kill an innocent child. For disobedience, his tongue was cut out. He ran that night, and the Force led him to the Cavern. The rest is history." 

I want to ask her what makes him and Ahsoka so similar, before it hits me. Ahsoka is the same way. She has darkness in her, inheriting some of my bad habits, but she's always been a peacekeeper, more so than me. Working with life, being surrounded by life, it's always then that she's been her happiest. Morai and her healed sabers are further proof of it. They have similar hearts. Nadia smiles, nodding. She knows. Just then, Sister Emlyn rushes in. 

"Get going, we have company." Both rushing towards her, the Force begins to shriek with alarm. 

Why does everything go wrong on missions? 


Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry for the wait! Anyway, I'll be returning with weekly updates, if not biweekly depending on my schedule. I hope you liked this chapter!

Sister Emlyn (In black) & Sister Nadia (In white)

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Sister Emlyn (In black) & Sister Nadia (In white)

Species: Human

Ages: Mid-Thirties (Identical Twins)

Ranks: Gray Elders - Emlyn - Fire Warrior & Nadia - Water Warrior

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