~ Six - Treason - Captain Rex ~

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Not my best chapter ever, but I hope you like it!

The boys have lost their morale, and much of their personalities since General Skywalker and Commander Tano left us almost a year ago. General Kenobi and Cody have helped, giving us some time to come to terms before being sent back to the battlefield. But I can't forget. I helped track her down, posting wanted posters, hunting her, because I was told to.  

Good soldiers follow orders. 

But for once, the training given on Kamino is not right, at least not in this scenario. Commander Tano never, under any circumstances, betray the Republic and the Jedi in such a way. I should have known that the evidence had been tampered with, but, against my better judgement, I followed through and caused trauma for her already climbing PTSD. 

Admiral Tarkin, however, is another matter. 

He was the one who ordered her military trial, so sure that she was the culprit of the bombing. He was the one who brought up the matter to the Jedi Council. Even before that, he had no respect for Commander Tano. No matter if she saved his sorry shebs at the Citadel, he still saw her as a little weakling. Not a successful Commander who rarely lost battles with General Skywalker. Something about him doesn't sit with me right, and I'm not the only one. 

I shouldn't be thinking of a superior like this. People make mistakes all the time, war makes it more obvious than most circumstances. But I can't get it out of my head, playing on loop constantly. 

"Are you alright Rex ol' boy?" Startled out of my daze, Cody giving me a concerned look. "Yeah." The only change in his expression is an eyebrow raising. He doesn't believe me, and I don't blame him. I hardly believe myself. "Just...something about Commander Tano's trial keeps playing on loop."

"You're thinking about Admiral Tarkin, aren't you?" Surprised, my head whips around to see my brother, neither shocked nor scolding, his face neutral. "Yeah, he always treated the Commander like she was beneath him, even after saving his life in the Citadel. And then going out on the Generals like that? He was so sure of his decision sending her to military trial for the bombing. I don't know, it just doesn't sit right." 

"Rex, I know that she and General Skywalker meant a lot to you. They did for me to. But they left, their decision. Yes, we made mistakes, but we had our orders. There wasn't anything that could have been done." I look away. Those two weren't just my commanding officers, they treated all of us like people, real people, not clones. They were family, just like all of our brothers. 

"Listen, General Kenobi wanted to let you know that we are being sent on a mission. Only you, I, and General Kenobi are to be deployed. The rest are on leave for now. We're going to watch over Senator Amidala. The Chancellor believes she's being targeted, and the Jedi thought it would be best to give us a simpler mission since we've been off world so much." I nod, putting on my helmet. 

The two of us head out of the empty barracks, to where General Kenobi is waiting for us. "Reporting for duty General." 

"Good to see you're alright Captain. We'll be taking a cruiser so to not cause too much notice by the public. Come, we must not keep the Senator waiting." While walking, my mind wanders to the boys. 

Echo gone with Clone Force 99 after finding him with General Kenobi. Something General Skywalker and Commander Tano would have wanted, a favor for Anakin to go against the Council, as General Kenobi put it. 

Kix throwing himself into work, barely allowing himself any breaks. 

The shinies even aren't as hyped up as before, the painting of their armor not the same without our vod'ika around, cheering them on or memorising their names. 

General Kenobi is obviously missing General Skywalker, even if he doesn't admit it. Not surprising, considering how close they were. A mutual respect, a relationship closer than most, they were brothers. 

By the time we reached the Senate Building, Chancellor Palpatine is waiting for us, and Cody had to rouse me from my drifting thoughts. 

"Master Kenobi, good to see you. Thank you again for coming on such short notice." 

"Of course, Chancellor. It was our pleasure." Once led into the Chancellor's office, the conversational mood drifts to a more serious one. The Chancellor's face turns grim, and for some reason, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straighter, a chill shooting down my spine. 

"I fear that Senator Amidala and a few others are drifting in loyalty." I don't need to be a Jedi to know that all three of us are taken off guard. Me, especially, knowing that General Skywalker and Senator Amidala are married, a secret relationship away from the Jedi. When General Kenobi speaks, his voice has an undercurrent of concern.

"Chancellor, with all due respect, Senator Amidala has always been unwaveringly supportive of the Republic. In the time I've known her, she has strongly supported your democracy." 

"I'm afraid she has been taking several leaves, with vague explanations on her destinations. Much of her time is spent locked away in her office, and although she attends Senate meetings and involves herself in the deliberating, she is more reserved than before. With such an influential voice, I fear this could cost us the war." General Kenobi strokes his beard in thought, contemplating his next words.

"What are you suggesting, we spy on the Senator for you?" 

"I would not say spying Master Jedi, simply certifying her allegiance. She is a crucial voice in the Senate after all, and she is a close friend. I cannot bear the thought of losing her to a deceiver such as Count Dooku." 

"Of course." My eyes widen in alarm as Senator Amidala enters in a thick cloaked dress, unlike the usual ones. 

"Chancellor Palpatine, Master Kenobi, have I missed something?" I glance at Cody, who looks just as stiff as me, after hearing the conversation. 

"Not at all my dear, it is good to see you. As you know, I've called on our dear friend Master Kenobi to protect you." The expression on the Senator's face is unchanging, however her voice betrays her thoughts on the matter. 

"I have told you before, I do not need protection. While it is pleasing to see you three, in one piece; I'm sure Master Kenobi, Commander Cody, and Captain Rex are all crucial to ending this war on the battlefield." 

"I assure you Milady; it is no trouble. The Council has agreed we are in need of a simpler assignment. You will barely notice our presence." Sighing, the Senator nods. 

"Well then, it seems the decision is made for me. I will see you soon then Your Excellency." Once we all have left the Chancellor's office and made it into the office of Senator Amidala, she turns to us, glancing quickly around the room. 

"The Chancellor believes I am committing treason, doesn't he?" Our silence is answer enough, surprised by her blunt question and knowledge of the Chancellor's beliefs. "I am not surprised, with my leaves and all. However, I can prove I'm not. Taking a datapad from her desk, she hands it to General Kenobi. Stroking his beard thoughtfully, he looks over the data on the screen. 

"Senator, what is this?" Her smile turns grim. 

"These are files on Admiral Tarkin and a few others within the Republic. These are their criminal records found hidden away." All I can do is stare at her. In fact, it is all any of us can. 

"I've been looking into it ever since Ahsoka's trial. Tarkin knew the evidence had been tampered with but continued on with the campaign against her. The others are funding war crimes, which is fueling the war to continue. All on order from one person. A few others and I have been looking into it, which is why I have been leaving. We have a few allies outside of the Senate, so we have to meet them off of Coruscant or, as of late, by holo." Treason. 

"Senator, why haven't you brought this up to..." General Kenobi's face turns from confused to a realization, just as I come to it. There is only one person who commands Tarkin, and that person also leads the Senate. Senator Amidala nods grimly. 

Chancellor Palpatine, just like Tarkin, is a traitor.

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