~ Thirteen - One Last Night - Padme ~

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Me and Anakin have our own quarters here, Ahsoka is spending the night with her clan. She wanted some time with them before everything went down. Personally, I can't blame her. Especially considering we begin our plan tomorrow, and this might be the last night Anakin and I are together. At the moment, I have finally rinsed my body of all traces of makeup, heavy robes, and hair products needed in the life of a politician. All that is left is my normal pale blue nightgown, my pregnant stomach now obvious. the only jewelry left is the necklace Ani made for me all those years ago. 

Now, with a fleeting moment of peace, the stress that has been eating away at me attacks my thoughts full force, causing tears to stream down my face. The little one isn't helping much with my emotions either, my moods swinging constantly in different directions. I don't want Ani to see me, especially like this. Covering my mouth, silent sobs assault my senses, causing unfortunately familiar nausea to take over. Before I know it, I am heaving over the fresher, unloading my previous meal. Two hands, one metal, come from behind me, pulling my hair away from my face. 

"Let it out Angel. It's alright." Groaning from the effort, I lean back, my stomach churning as I wipe my mouth. Pressing a hand to my forehead, I try to relax, but to no avail. The stress induced thoughts only continue to swirl around in my head, a deep headache forming. 

"Love..." I look up, my eyes still watering, to see a distorted view of my husband's face, his eyebrows furrowed with concern. 

"Angel, I know you dislike me using my abilities on you, but can I at least calm your mind? Your presence is radiating in the Force, and not in a good way." I stare at him, before hesitantly nodding. Usually, I absolutely hate him using his Force tricks on me, but for once, I just want this to end. I don't want these thoughts anymore. I don't want to cry anymore. I just want some peace! 

His hands take my own away from my face, holding them gently as he closes his eyes. Like a cool breeze, my mind slows down, the thoughts dissipating just as suddenly as they came. I sigh in relief, exhaustion taking over. However, not the kind that induces sleep, but restless. The kind after mental and emotional strain. Recently, it has been happening a lot, more often than I care to admit. 

"Come on, let's get you to bed. You need rest." Before I can attempt to get up, I can feel him lifting me into his arms, carrying me bridal style out of the fresher. "Ani, I need to clean my teeth first. Please, I just can't rest with the taste of that in my mouth. Besides, after exposure to stomach acid, it can become damaging if I don't." He sighs, nodding. Returning to the fresher, he sets me down in front of the sink, allowing me to clean my teeth. Once finished, I attempt to leave, only to be swooped up into his arms again. "Ani, what...?" 

"You have been working far too much Madame Skywalker. I am here to prevent such dire issue from continuing." With a playful grin on his face, he gently throws me onto the bed, causing me to shriek in surprise. A light laugh escapes me before I can prevent it, Anakin's laugh joining in infectiously. He so rarely laughs anymore. Looking over at him, just in time to see him take off his usual robes, putting on his night one. Even after all these crazed years of marriage together, I blush. 

"All for you Angel." Looking away immediately, his laughter escapes him again, as he climbs into the bed. 

"Do you want to talk? Don't think I didn't hear you crying Angel." Kriff. Showing emotions is a concept that, just like my husband, I struggle with. Whilst queen, showing emotions was impossible, especially in a situation of dire need. Evidence of me being scared sent my people into a frenzy. If their monarch is frightened by the state of events, then there was no place in their hearts for hope. As a senator, it is very similar. Politicians who don't agree with my views would take advantage of the sight of fear or worry. They always take advantage.  

"Love?" As much as I attempt to stop them, the all too familiar lump lodges in my throat, tears bubbling to the surface. Looking away, I try to wipe them before being seen, but cold fingers, metallic from his prosthetic, guide my face back to his. His normally electric blue eyes are soft with concern and something else I can't read from his expression. 

"Padme, let it out. It will make you feel better, I promise." That opens the floodgates. He quickly embraces me, gentle enough with my growing stomach. His touch is warm and comforting, of home. It does feel good to not shove my feelings down as I would do usually. Freeing and relieving. The tears subside after a while, causing me to pull away, wiping my eyes. "Sorry Ani."

"About what my love?" Not knowing how to explain, I simply gesture to my undoubtably tear-stained cheeks. Shaking his head, he presses a chaste kiss on my forehead. My eyes flutter close, his soft lips igniting a soft spark, leaving warmth in its place. 

"You have nothing to be ashamed of or sorry for. I am your husband; you've dealt with more of my emotional outbursts than I give you credit for. You need to be kinder to yourself, alright?" I nod, chuckling a little at the reminder of when Anakin was a padawan. "Sorry, I suppose the stress finally hit."

"And that's okay. You're human, just like me. This is something we can both work through together. We are married after all. Which, speaking of..." With a wave of his hand, a box comes floating into his grasp, opening up to reveal a beautiful ring. It's simplistic in nature, with a gold band and a simple cerulean gemstone in the center. The hue the same color of the waters of the lake in Naboo, back when we visited all those years ago. 

"I know I am extremely late, but now that our marriage is allowed... I thought having a ring would be nice." He shows a gold band I never noticed before on the ring finger of his flesh hand. A fresh wave of tears, this time of joy, come unbridled as he slides the ring onto my finger. 

"I know it isn't as fancy as you are used to, but the stone reminded me of the lake back on Naboo, and I used some of the metal from my arm

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"I know it isn't as fancy as you are used to, but the stone reminded me of the lake back on Naboo, and I used some of the metal from my arm..." I look up in surprise, finally noticing a small difference in an area of his metal prosthetic. There is a welding where once it was smooth golden metal. "Ani...it's beautiful." He smiles, gently wiping the tears from my face that have fallen. 

"I'm glad you like it, Angel." Suddenly, a light pain blossoms in my stomach, causing me to touch the area. Another quickly follows suit. "Ani!" Confusion ensues on his features, so I take his hand, placing it on my stomach, hoping that the baby would kick again. Immediately, the baby kicks, causing Anakin to look up at me in shock. He stares at my stomach, an emotion that looks almost like awe. Almost wonder. 

"That's our child in there." I laugh, nodding. 

"They are going to be Force sensitive." I look up at him confused. "How do you know?" He smiles, not letting go of my bump. 

"I can feel their presence through the Force. It's bright, a pure light. Almost as if..." Suddenly, he crouches down, both hands now gently caressing my stomach, his eyes closed. "Ani...?" He sits back up, tears now leaking from his eyes. "Ani, what is it?" 

"Two. There are two presences." My eyes widen. From what I remember, there is only one presence per person throughout the Force. If there are two, then...

"It's twins Padme. We are having twins!" 

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