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"Get your head out of the damn clouds and answer me." Aaron grabbed Ron by the collar of his shirt. Ron's hand flew up in the air as a sign of peace, hoping Aaron would calm down. "I didn't heart the question." He panicked; Aaron didn't let go. "I didn't hear the question." Ron repeated clearer, and he was let go. "My mind got sent away." Ron explained. "I haven't seen you in five years." 

Aaron nodded. "I get it. . . You did that back then as well." He said, licking his thumb trying to get a strand if his beard out of his mouth. "I did?" Ron mumbled to himself, fighting the urge to go back in his thought. "Anyways-" Aaron cut off the fight in Ron's head. "I asked you how you were still alive." Aaron exhaled. "Last time I heard You got stabbed by Michonne and eaten by a herd of walkers." He muttered.

Ron didn't know the answer to the question and shrugged. He pulled his shirt up, revealing the horrible scar from the accident. After what happened it got infected and took about a year to heal, and it still looked nasty and horrible. Aaron hissed at the sight. "I don't know. I woke up by the forest at some point. I have no idea how I got there, but I was very much alive. . ." Ron told the older man. "My theory is I fought my way back there by adrenaline but then forgot it all. My head was just so full of trauma it couldn't handle it." Ron explained. "It isn't the first time I've forgotten shit I've done the day before like that."

Aaron nodded; he was clearly fascinated. "You should check that up with Siddiq or perhaps even Eugine." Aaron said, with a hum. "Who's Siddiq?" Ron asked. A part of him was happy the two of them were staying out of the whole Carl zone, yet he knew he would have to go over the fact that he had killed him. It would hurt, and probably send him to a cell, even if it was an accident. "One of our medics. Super nice guy." Aaron nodded, and Ron smiled. 

"So, how's the wound? Looks nasty." Aaron pointed at Ron's waist. "It's fine now. Got infected when it was healing, which slowed the prosses. Took about a year for it to close fully but I'm pretty sure it's fully healed now." Ron mumbled, and Aaron hummed as an answer. "You should check that up as well." He spoke.

"Now, to the serious talk, kid." Aaron's voice turned harsh within a few seconds. "I know no one here trusts you, you know what you did. You know what happened. We don't need to discuss it." About thirty seconds passed with silence. It was like Aaron waited for an answer, but Ron was too frightened to give him one, so Aaron kept on talking.

"The thing is." He started. "It's so easy for a person like you to change. Ether for the better or the worse, and in your case, I believe you've gone worse. I knew you when you were a teen. Hell, I knew you when you were a little kid. And you're still a teen." Aaron exhaled. "And you were kind of a prick, I knew you and Carl-" Ron felt his heart ache as he heard Carl's name. "-Faught a lot, I knew you and your little group had that cabin in the woods you stayed at every weekend telling your parents you were having sleepovers, but you were actually getting drunk and high in there." Aaron leaned back into the wooden wall. "That was then, right? Yet, I feel like such behavior would only get worse. You were a prick back then, and I do see that you've grown." Aaron paused. "Or at least your hair has." Ron let out a soft laugh but yet he felt like the man before him would bash his head into the wall at any minute.

"I guess I just see your dad in you. . . I remember the way you were as a kid; you were so scared of him." Ron felt weak hearing these words. The truth was thrown at him like a pit of fireballs. "You were also scared of me, and Eric because of your dad. He was a bad man, and I'm afraid you are too." The bearded man looked Ron in the eyes, there was a painful look in the blue stones that Aaron owned. "So please, plead your case. I'll listen. I hope you're a hood guy Ron, I really hope that." Aaron was finally done talking, and now it was Ron's turn. His palms were sweaty, and his heartrate started beating faster and faster. Plead your case.

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