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Ron spread his sleeping bag down on the bench by the church. He remembered going to a place like it as a kid on his grandfather's funeral. His mother had been heart broken back then. Nether of his parents had ever been religious though, or well, maybe before all the walkers taking over the world but he hadn't heard a single thing about Jesus, God or the bible at the times when Jessie and Pete were still alive. . . Along with Sam.

"Did you go to church as a kid?" Ron asked Carl as one of the horses let out a little groan in the background. "I don't remember. . . Or, well. I'm pretty sure we did sometimes, but not a lot." Carl sighed; he had already set down his sleeping bag a meter away from Ron's. They thought staying close to each other was smart, but being too close was weird. . . A meter was already crossing the lines a little. "Nice." Ron sighed. "So, you believe in God and all that?" He asked, Caarl paused to think through whatever he was going to answer.

"You know what. I don't really think I do." He answered. Ron nodded. "Yeah, me nether. Not that it's a bad thing." He mumbled. "Ether way I'm fucking sleepy." He sat down on the sleeping bag he just fixed up, opening his backpack and taking out one of his sandwiches wrapped in foil. 

The sandwich was delicious, the only thing wrong about it was the fact that it felt rather soggy in a way. "Can't say I'm not, I mean shit. . . I haven't slept well in about a month." Carl laughed; it was the first time Ron had heard him laugh since... Well, before the eye accident. "Oh, shit. That's horrible." Ron answered the brunette, who laid down by his own sleeping bag.

Carl crawled into the sleeping bag; he wasn't sure he'd get any sleep. It was really cold in the church and the sleeping bag didn't help much. "It's so damn cold." He commented. "Not really... I'm kind of sweating." Ron said, before letting out an awkward laugh, then the blanket in his bag popped up in his head. 

"You want to barrow a blanket I took with me? I don't need it tonight." The blonde asked, and the brunette's gaze popped up. "I-" His mind fought back, yet he needed that blanket. "Sure, thanks man." He finally said, and Ron kneeled down next to his bag and took out the blanket, handing it over to Carl who nodded as a thanks.

- - -

Ron woke up in the middle of the night to a growling noise. At first, he brushed it off, twisting around in the sleeping bag. It never stopped, the noise of flesh being ripped apart echoed through the cold, empty church. "Carl?" Ron leaned up, looking behind him. Carl was sleeping on his bench in peace, the brunette seemed fine. "He's sleeping." Ron mumbled under his breath, convincing himself to not wake him up since the guy had told him about not being able to sleep properly.

Ron was frozen in place for a while, staring at the guy. Sleeping beauty. he thought, face turning into a grin at the joke but turning into a sharp, angry looking gaze. What the fuck am I on.

The echo quickly got Ron out of his head, he turned around and struggled out of the bench row. He was now looking at a dark area right before him. The voice was coming from there, and he did not have a flashlight, he wasn't able to see in the dark. A strong metallic smell spread across the area as he got further into the darkness, and the noise just loudened. Ron pulled out his knife from his belt.

It all clicked; the horses had been by the dark area. . . The noises were clearly coming from a walker, yet it wasn't attacking Ron yet, since it was too busy eating horses. Carl and Ron must have missed a few walkers that were now feasting on their horses, the once they would ride to get to the library and back home to Alexandria.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Ron mumbled under his breath, a slight panic hitting him. "How could we be this stupid." He kicked a church song book laying on the ground in front of him, it stumbled forwards a few meters and disappeared into the darkness. "So fucking stupid!" He yelled out, trying to get the walkers attention.

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