Chapter 1 - A Letter From Hogwarts

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(A/N) Hello!! I'm so excited to be on this website, I've been looking a long time for something like this and am excited to share all of my ideas I have while I lay in bed at night. Harry Potter is a HUGE part of my life and it definitely impacted me as I read the amazing series. This is my first book so please don't be to harsh, as does everything it takes practice and I look forward to a lot of exciting adventures with the characters in this story. All characters belong to the amazing J.K Rowling except Lucy Marie Malfoy as well as the house elf Marley.

Third Person

Little eleven year old Lucy Marie Malfoy sat at her window reading a book, the book titled "A History of Magical Creatures" A young, skinny house-elf ran into her room "Marley hates to interrupt young mistress's time of peace but your mother is calling you."

"For what?" Lucy asked, politely, as she closed the book

"Sorry Ms. Malfoy, but Marley cannot tell you. He has been given strict in orders that's he must not say."

Lucy got out of the silk chair and Marley, who was already heading towards the door had signaled for her to follow. After a few flights of stairs through the Malfoy Manor the two had reached the main floor where Narcissa Malfoy, Lucy's mother, stood awaiting her arrival.


~ Lucy POV ~

"Mother!" I ran down to hug my mother and she had the biggest grin I had ever seen on her face.

"Turn around..." she said I turned around and faced the door which opened as she waved her wand.

"I'm back!!" I heard a voice cackle. That laugh could be recognizable from hundreds of miles away it was my Aunt Bellatrix, before I could gasp she waltzed through the door her hair still the same messy, black tangles I had loved two years ago before she had been off the grid for the longest time.

Auntie had her hand behind her back which was clearly holding something in her hidden hand. I peaked around to get a good look at what it was. "Nope, not yet, pick a hand" she had now placed both hands behind her back

"Right!" I shouted. She revealed her hand and nothing was there "Left!" I was now jumping up and down in eagerness. She pulled out her left hand... empty... "Aunt Bellaaaaaa!" I whined sounding like a four year old. She held out both hands and my jaw hit the floor. It was my letter to Hogwarts!

A few minutes later Draco came down the stairs and I ran to him shoving the letter in his face, "Look what came!!" After a few seconds of looking at it he realized what it was, he picked me up and swung me around in a circle "I knew you'd make it in," he set me down " You're a Malfoy and..."

"Malfoys always succeed" I finished his sentence.

He noticed Aunt Bella standing behind me and his face went stone cold, when he noticed me looking at him, he reacted faster than you could say Malfoy "Aunt Bella what brings you here on this fine morning?"

"Draco, why are you talking weird?" I asked, he had an unfamiliar tenseness to his voice that befuddled me.

"No reason, I'd sugest going to your room and prepare for Diagon Alley we leave tomorrow, normally."

I left without hesitation, excited for the day ahead of me!

Draco POV

"Bellatrix what are you doing here?" I asked her furious she had come on such a date. Of course, I knew my parents were Death Eaters, I'd figured out earlier that summer, Father was now training me in the Dark Arts so I could one day walk in their footsteps.

"We think Lucy would be a good recruit to help The Cause." She replied.

Before anyone else could talk I butted in "No, No, NO!" I yelled "She can't she's only eleven."

"Draco, your sister is the smartest kid in her class, well your class." Bellatrix turned to Mother, "She skipped two years, Cissy!" We all stood in disbelief.

"That still doesn't make up for the fact that she is 11! I still am in disbelief my parents are in kahoots with him and you're talking about my baby sister becoming a Death Eater!? No, no I won't allow it!" I announced, trying to end the conversation by heading to my room.

"Draco!" Mother shouted as I stomped upstairs.

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