Chapter 6: A Boy's Dream (Volas)

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I wait in anticipation at the palace entrance hall, while I wear my officer's uniform.
The room is majestic, with its white and grey marble flooring, and brilliant paintings decorating the walls. The roof itself is the most impressive part: a mural of the Empire's history, depicting when our people left Ladie's Island to explore the mainland, though the Dragon War, and our actions in the present.
This piece is a statement to all who enter the palace. It tells them that we are the rightful rulers and defenders of this world, as were granted by the divine.
I tap my foot, anxious about what they will put before me. The finest food that anyone could wish for, opportunities to see the world, perhaps even to look at their archives about the history of our nation and the Forgotten Era. All great things that I could previously only dream of having, but the roles I might have to take, the choices I might have to make, frighten me. It won't be easy being a Commander or future Foreign Inspector. I think I would like it best if I don't stay here for long. Well, I'll leave after I enjoy the luxuries of the palace.
The lapis blue doors to the main palace open and a man with a highly decorated ceremonial uniform steps forward.
He looks to be combat fit, but he's old, with short dark hair and regular pointed ears of any Cinari. He looks like any other officer with a lot of experience, but on closer inspection, his identity becomes clear. This man is Commander Rommel Earl, the man who led the Scarlet Campaign seventy years ago.
He once led a single force against an army of Death Riders of Jalthon, legendary cavalry soldiers in the realms of man. And with their defeat almost cause a total collapse of the Dragonna Empire.
He walks up to me and offers his hand. 'Good morning, Officer.'
His offer stuns me, a legendary officer offering his hand to me.
'Are you going to shake it or are you going to stare at me?' He ask, with a friendly teasing tone.
I get up from my seat, snapping myself out of my stupor as I shake his hand.
'It is nice to meet you, Commander Earl. I'm Commander Regali.'
'Please, just call me Rommel,' he chuckles. 'Besides, I heard all about you, you're one of the youngest to pass the course.'
'I sure am, completed my training quicker than anyone there.'
'That's good, so what made you join the army in the first place, Regali?'
'Oh. I wanted to become a Foreign Inspector.'
He smiles. 'That is good to hear. We do need more eyes for our Empress to keep the peace.' He picks up my bag and passes it to me.
'Come on; let me show you to your room.'
'You? Aren't there servants that to do that?' I blurt out.
Rommel waves his hand for me to follow him. 'There are, but I wanted to talk to the youngest Commander in the palace. It is remarkable that you pass the course that quickly, and I am eager to get to a read on you.'
'Well, it wasn't that difficult. People just don't pay attention during classes,' I boast.
'That so? Well, tell me what makes it so easy.'
We chat about my experience during the officers' course, my trials and tribulations. Like how I our maneuvered an experienced Commander during a military exercise.
Rommel seems overall impressed with my knowledge and skills, even sharing his own experiences of officers' training, about a hundred years ago.
We compare the training methods; discussing their effectiveness, and what might be needed to be implemented for future officers. It is great to talk to a legend with lots of experience, who is willing to share his knowledge freely with a newly appointed officer.
Walking through the palace is an experience that might forever leave me in awe. The palace's walls are covered in art from other countries and empires, with gold trim tastefully placed at every corner. All depicting battles, wars, or other historical events.
The time it must have taken to build the palace, how many artists have laid their hands on every wall and canvas, is incredible to think of. And all of it elegantly shows off our Empire's outstanding achievements.
Finally, Rommel and I arrived to the private quarters section, on the other side of the palace. Every wooden door is elaborately carved with spirals and ancient runes, with a number on the center of each door. We continue down the hall to door number four.
'Here we are, your very own private room.' He gestures me to open the door.
I take a deep breath as I enter the room with my eyes shut, giving myself a childish surprise. I open my eyes, revealing a massive room with a king-sized bed, an antique glass chandelier, and a large table with a cushioned chair to compliment it. There is even a private bathroom with a bath. My very own toilet and bathtub! A luxury only the wealthy can afford.
This is the best thing I could ever have in my life.
'You like it? You could stay here forever and never need to step foot on any battlefield. Living like a king, some might say.'
'This is just average. The best place is to serve my Empire where she needs me the most,' I lie to him, puffing my chest to look tough and proud.
He chuckles. 'It is good to hear that young vigour. And while you're here, enjoy yourself, explore the gardens even. It is a great privilege to be here by the Empress' side.'
'Of course. I'll make sure to do that. I'm just excited to be in a place like this.'
'I can tell. Now if you need anything, the servants will help you. If you want to talk to me in private, I am around the war room most of the time. Any questions before I get going?'
'No, I should be fine,' I reply.
'That is good, enjoy your stay, Commander.' He gives a two-fingered salute while he leaves my room.
I place my luggage on my bed to lie down next to it. The softness of the mattress feels like clouds from the heavens finally landed on Earth. I am blessed by the Gods themselves to be here.
I hop up to look out the window to see the city view. I am so far from home, but so close at the same time.

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