Chapter 25: News of Hope (Volas)

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Fort Shatler is where most recruits from the south train to become soldiers. Its granite walls have stood for centuries, the buildings as old as the Empire itself.
Named after the Shatler Islands just a few kilometres from the shore, it established itself as a line of defence from the savage inhabitants that once lived on the islands.
Wolf-like beasts that are a danger to the free society of the Cinari and its borders.
Well, that is what the plaque says in the command room. Near it are various trophies and artefacts from the island. One artefact is a wooden helmet that almost appears to be a crude outline of a Dog's skull with red painting around the eye sockets.
Such primitive inventions. Clearly they didn't deserve their homeland if they were using wood as armour. In a way, it is good that we took over the Shaltler islands and subjugated them. Without our help, they couldn't have survive in this new world.
'It's been over three hundred years since we took the Shatler Islands,' The Commander says while he walks into the room casually. 'Three hundred years, and it all built up to this. Remarkable, isn't it Volas?'
'It's good to meet you, Commander Thorn.' I reach my hand out to shake his. He gives me a stern look as he walks away from me to stare at the trophies on display.
'You came here for a reason, Volas. What do you want to talk about?'
'Commander Thorn I-'
'Cut the bullshit formalities, Volas.' He interjects. 'We are at war and so far we are losing. So don't waste my time, get to the point.'
'My city has control of the webgate, as you and I know, it is important that it stays in our hands. I need your military aid to defend the city from the Dogs.'
Thorn scoffs. 'So you want me to defend your city for you? I've got a whole region to look after. What makes you think I would sacrifice a majority of my force look after your city?'
'This is the webgate we are talking about here. If you somehow forgot, those gates connect the two capital cities. We must defend it at all costs,' I say to him as I hold back my annoyance to keep some level of professionalism.
'From my understanding, Volas, the Capital has blockaded the webgates and set up a perimeter around them. The Dogs won't have a chance to survive the initial jump into our Capital.'
'Are you insane!? The Dogs would have easy access to our Capital if they have control of one of the webgates. This technology should, and cannot fall into their hands. We would put our Empire at risk if you don't help me defend my city,' I raise my voice at him.
He frowns at me, pausing as he thinks of some stupid excuse.
'Volas, I can't donate men to the city. I can't protect it. I got two mines full of Dogs, a few villages, and another city to protect. I have my hands full from Rommel's decision to not ask for the north's help. Your city is important, but I have a duty to protect the region.'
He has over five thousand soldiers under his command. Even with the region to protect, he can spare a few hundred to help protect my city. Clearly he should know he has the resources to hand over a few men to me. But I don't think he is interested in helping garrison my city. I need a new plan.
'I'm not asking you to garrison my city, Thorn. I have enough men to garrison the city, just not enough to hold for a long time. I need you to be my relief force.'
He turns to me, raising a brow. 'I don't see how that'll give us any strategic gains. Nor do I believe it'll benefit my cause.'
'Maybe not, however, it will say a lot about you. Commander Thorn, Hero of the Empire and protector of the city of Tundo. People will see you as a hero if you save my city. In times like this, people need legends to look up to.'
Thorn grins. 'I like that, "Hero of the Empire."' He chuckles. 'If I do help save your city, I require one thing from you.'
'What is it?'
'I hate the beds here. Frankly, I hate this old fort in general. Deliver me the best bed available in the city and bring it here. And have a room reserved for me, with maids to serve me fresh food.'
'Deal! Now let's talk abou-'
'Commander Thorn and Commander Regali, Commander Earl would request you two to head to the war room at the Crystal Kingdom at once,' a courier interrupts me.
'Thank you, you may tell him we will be there soon.' Thorn waves him off.
'We can talk about the defence of your city later. First, we've got to hear the big man himself.'
Thorn fixes his uniform while heading out of the room.
I glance back at the wooden helmet, staring down where the eyes would be. The red paint on the helmet looks like it is glaring back at me.
Chills run down my spine as I look at its barbaric structure. It wouldn't surprise me if they were cannibals on their islands. They don't seem clever enough to hunt or farm.
I shake my head, I can theorise about their savage lives at a later date. First, I need to see what Rommel wants from me.

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