Chapter 8: Eve of War (Volas)

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'Ben, the humans would win because of their superior weaponry and tactics,' I argue with Benston as we walk down the halls of the palace, playfully debating the military tactics of other nations and species.
'It does not matter! What matters is whether you can have easy accessibility surplus of military personnel to overwhelm the target.'
Scenario after hypothetical scenario, we pit nations against each other to see who would come out on top. We compared the Nesthon States against the Perrata Kingdom, Qwells against Goblins and so on. For his age, Benston is relentless and passionate about his opinions and beliefs.
Naturally we will pit the Dodads against humanity. Two barbaric species that breed like rabbits and whose cultures revolve around war. A perfect match up.
'The humans have the Arch Angel which-'
'Which might not be an actual weapon,' Benston interrupts me.
'Weapon or not, I don't care, them having it has a significant psychological advantage against the Dodads who are naturally superstitious.'
'Superstitious! You clearly haven't met those bugs in your life.'
'I don't need to meet one to know they are cowardly. They couldn't dare go through the Stighten Walls that kept them in Ishtu because they fear total annihilation.'
Benston sighs as he rubs his face in frustration. 'That's because they are fighting among themselves. If they were truly united, they can easily take over the walls. But that isn't the point. Their unification would be the end to the realms of humanity, Arch Angel or no.'
'You can't be serious? Have you forgotten how the Sand Campaigns went compared to the Scarlet Campaign? The humans put up a fight, while the Dodads gave up as soon we got near their capital.' I retort his argument with false confidence.
The Sand Campaigns is shrouded in mystery because of the lack of documentation relating to the conflict itself. I can only hope that he does not insider knowledge that I am unaware of.
'That... That doesn't take my point away,' he stubbornly replies. His stuttering shows that he is also clueless about how that conflict went.
'The Dodad cantons have gotten stronger since we forced them to isolate in that wasteland of Ishtu. We made them adapt to the harshest place on the planet and you think now they would lose to humanity?' Benston chuckles while he waves his hands in excitement. 'Humanity can't even decide if they want to be a part of a united human empire. It will be impossible for them to survive against the Dodads in their current state.'
'That is not a convincing argument, Benston. We traded with the humans for so long that they copied our military strategies, and because of us, they have a centralised language. Humans can easily communicate with each other in the case of a Dodad invasion. The humans can also mobilise to meet them on the battlefield at a moment's notice. From what we know, the Dodads have a gazillion languages and they are not intelligent enough to invent the wheel or a boat.'
'Well... Well... yeah, you are correct,' Benston concedes. 'But that doesn't mean the Dodads are not a significant threat.'
I roll my eyes at his comment. 'Oh please, when we faced them, their only tactic is to charge at us with overwhelming numbers.'
'And who said they didn't learn from their mistakes? Their strategy to overwhelm the enemy could work if a competent leader led them. Their command structure is also not centralized, so if one goes, another can take their place. That command structure is difficult is take on.'
'How so?'
'We only know how to fight organised armies who have the same strategies as us. The whole world uses our military handbooks to train their armies, for Gods' sake,' he responds with venom in his words.
'Ben, you are talking to one of the top students in their academy. I got top marks in military movements and planning. I think I can deal with those bug brains and the humans at the same time, on all fronts.' I boast.
Benston laughs as he covers his mouth. 'Theoretical military movements and planning Volas. Theoretical!'
I cross my arms in annoyance. 'Careful old timer, keep that up and I might have to prove you wrong yet again.'
Benston stops his laughter as he puts his hand on my shoulder. 'Sorry to insult you, friend.'
I smirk while I shake my head. 'The only reason you apologize is because you don't want me to start a war.'
A messenger runs up to us. 'Commander Regali!'
She stops in front of me to stand at attention. We give each other a formal salute as she speaks her message.
'Commander Earl is ordering you to the war room at once.'
Her words stun me, my mind going blank by the urgency in her voice and the seriousness of her tone. We had one yesterday, and we only talked about how trade is going.
Are we at war? Did someone die? Did the Dodads break through the wall? Was the Arch Angel used?
'I will go at once. You are dismissed.' We salute each other again.
Afterwards, she heads down the hall to tell other Commanders of the news.
I tidy myself up, fixing my uniform.
'Looks like fun is over,' Benston grimly says. 'Well, see you tomorrow and tell me about how the meeting goes down.' He walks off to his library.
I head off to the war room, my heart racing as worry consumes my mind. But duty calls, and I am obligated to join the fight, whatever that may be.

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