Chapter 14: Gates to Tundo (Volas)

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I sit anxiously on a bench near the entrance to the grand cathedral, sculptures of our Gods and angels looking down, judging my actions and motives. The flag of our Empire flies high above them all, our symbol of greatness, equal to our Gods.
Only people who are given permission by the high priest can enter the building to witness the beauty of the structures of a time long gone. They say the church has some of the most surviving technologies that still work after the Collapse, like lamps that can produce light forever, or light daggers. Weapons similar to what the Pretorian guard use.
The pedestrians chat and complain about their lives as they walk past. They argue about work, family, anything really, all ignorant that we are at war against our slaves. Perhaps it is better for them to stay ignorant. The news could cause pandemonium.
I look at the large clock tower to see the mechanical hands land on twelve. Rommel was meant to meet me here thirty minutes ago! Have I arrived late? Is this the right place? Why does he want to meet me here when we should already take a carriage to where I need to go?
I hop up from the bench, but before I can leave. I spot the decorated Commander in the distance, with his rolls of medals, proudly pinned to his black jacket.
'Sincere apologies, Commander! A courier dropped by my office to deliver some important news,' Rommel smiles. 'Regardless, I am glad you offered your assistance.'
'What of the Dogs? Have the relief force dealt with them?' I ask.
'They had some considerable delays, however I have been told they have the Dogs closed off and are about to make a decisive attack,' he confidently reassures me. 'However, I still need you at Tundo, in case we have any other problems with them. Who knows if the unloyal brats told our enemies about their escape.'
'You are giving them too much credit, Commander!' I laugh. 'They are too backwards to understand the concept of diplomacy or civil conversation. They would think a human and a dodad are the same species.'
Rommel chuckles in amusement at my remark. 'That is true, but for now, let's get you to the city.'
I follow Rommel to the entrance of the cathedral with my bag firmly by my side.
He knocks three times at three different spots on the stone door. There, locks and tumblers fall and rattle into place. A nun in a large red and purple gown, covering every part of her skin, pries open the door.
She places her hands on her knees and bows to us. Rommel and I bow back in respect.
'May the Gods guide you to your destination,' she says in a soft, almost angelic voice.
'Thank you sister,' Rommel replies with a smile. 'We are here to travel to Tundo. Is the gate ready for us to pass?'
She nods 'The blessings of the Gods have opened the gate for you to travel. Please follow me, Commanders.'
She leads us through hallways of sculpted green marble, a material that only the best sculptures can mould. A tough material to work with, yet so beautiful once it finally takes shape.
Each piece of art depicts heaven and hell, our Gods in mortal forms and the wars they fought in to make our mighty Empire. Some are the size of my palm, others so large they could engulf the room.
On every wall are magnificent paintings of the church and our saints, depicting their life and death.
On the roof of the church is painted glass panels depicting the formation of the faith, the sun touching their luxurious colours, adds further beauty to the art inside.
This is equal to, if not more beautiful than, the palace itself. I am unworthy to stand in a room like this, to be in the presence of godly beauty. It has to be true that the Gods touched the hearts and souls of these artists, there is no other way a mortal can create such beauty.
We arrive at another set of doors. The nun mumbles a prayer as she kisses the door before opening it. Inside is a colossal room, void of art and beauty, dull white with painted yellow lines parallel to each other on the walls beside us.
The room feels so detached from the rest of the cathedral, it is clear the church is built around this room.
We follow the lines, heading deeper into the room, I stare in awe at the three towering structures, black and ocean blue arches with bright white light spewing from the centre. The Webgates, structures of the Forgotten Era. It is said they are the last remaining functional portals that are still around from the time of the Forgotten Era.
Excitement overtakes me as I watch the magical field ripple and wave through the air like water.
'The one on the left will take you to Tundo. May Yihila guide you there safely.' The nun bows before she leaves the room, closing the doors behind us.
Rommel laughs. 'Seems like you're eager to go through the gate!'
He walks up to the arch. Putting his hand through the light, which changes to match the colour of his jacket.
'Make sure you hold on to your bag!'
He walks through the field, disappearing into the light. I walk around the arch to see he is at the other side. It is a portal! And the thing still works!
I walk up to the arch to put my hand through it. Only to pull it out when I feel the field contracting and distorting. Is it normal?
I hold my breath, griping my bag as tight as I can, making my body stiff and rigid.
This is it! No taking a step back, not now I'm here.
I walk into the field to emerge from the other side. The room is smaller, as is the Webgate. The room is also dull and void of art and beauty. Rommel amuse at my clearly terrified posture.
'First timers always look like they shat themselves going through the gate,' he laughs.
'Should've told me to bring a spare set of pants!'
Rommel chuckles. 'You should, but for now. I should welcome you to your new home.'
He escorts me outside, swinging the doors open to reveal a lively city. Different coloured cloths flutter around on windowsills, the scent of spiced meats and steamed vegetables fill the air rushes into my nostrils. Vibrant music plays at every street corner. A truly lively city.
'Good afternoon, Commanders.'
I look down the stairs to see a uniformed soldier with slanted brown eyes and olive skin. What is a colonist doing here?
'Regali, this is Huson. He is a part of the Outriders who were here training to be Sergeants. He will serve as your Scout Master during your occupation here.'
My blood boils! How dare he give me a colonist to be my Scout Master.
'What is your rank and occupation?' I question the colonist.
'Sergeant of the Third Outrider Unit.' He confidently replies.
'How long have you served?'
'Fifteen years, Commander, ten of them doing peace-keeping operations in Thesia and Rafica.'
'Where are you from?'
'Thesia, sir.'
Great! Even if he has some experience under his belt, he came from a one of the most backwater places on this planet.
We have to give everything to them just to keep that place from falling apart. It wouldn't surprise me if he has sympathies for the rebels trying to take what is rightfully ours.
'That is all, Sergeant. Please wait at the barracks for my arrival.'
'Yes, sir!' He salutes me before marching off. Admittedly, he is competent, but nowhere near the quality of a Cinari conscript.
'Why did you give me a colonist as my Scout Master?' I growl at Rommel.
'Don't worry about him. This war would be done before you would even have a use for him. It's more of a formality than anything else.'
I raise my brow. 'So you gave me a placeholder?'
'Correct. So don't be upset about him being in your ranks, he won't bother you.'
I look around the city. This place is so far east, I doubt there is any chance for the Dogs to get here. I guess this is more of a formality than an actual position. I suppose I will be safe after all and won't see any action.
'Alright Rommel, I will see you back at the Capital when this is all over.'
'That's the spirit! I'll see you in a week or two at the Crystal Kingdom's war room. Just go through the Webgates, it will save you a lot more time than if you take a horse.'
'Will do, sir.'
We salute to each other before Rommel walks back into the small cathedral.
If he is right about how the war is going, victory is just a week away.

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