Chapter 7: Of Cobblestone and Blood (Marak)

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We silently creep through the forest, the brown bark and green leaves casting a shadow over our advance. We watch our every step to limit the sound we make; scanning our environment to make sure no one spots us.
Vern guides us with a leash around his neck, taking us where we need to go. I gag him so that he can't give away our position. We couldn't let that beast take away our element of surprise.
The entire process is slow. What should have taken us two days to get there would take almost three. I suppose matching through the forest trying to stay undetected will do that.
Vern has been given us useful information on the names of things, like trees, leaves, mountains, rivers, and oceans. The string stick is a bow and the little spears are arrows. He even taught Alex the basics of how to use it. He explained to me that their Empress doesn't live at the fort. Nor do any slaves, a shame really. I can't kill their bastard of a leader.
Still, I'm not sure I can fully trust the information he provides us. It is fair to cast doubt on what he says, even if they might be useful. Cinari are like that, they lied about our potential for so long, I can see them lying about the world to us even when they are under my command.
Eventually we approach the end of the forest. To a wide, open area with a sudden drop at the end. I raise my hand to halt our advance. We all take a knee as we ready our weapons.
I pull Vern towards me. As I remove his gag, he coughs as he gasp for air. I cover his mouth before he can cough again.
Alex carefully moves up to me with his bow with an arrow attached to its string.
'Where are we?' I whisper to Vern.
I place one hand on my makeshift sword while I move the other away from his mouth, making him realise that any wrong move can easily be his end.
He fumbles at his map and points at a cliff side that should observe the fort. 'We are here. You should be able to see the fort if you look over the cliff.'
Alex hops up, but I grab his arm and nod to him to sit back down.
'Keep an eye on him, Alex. I'll check it out myself.'
I lower myself as I crawl to the cliff side. At the center of the forest and the open field, I turn around to see Alex and the other Dogs anxiously watching me. I can see the fear in their eyes, their legs are ready to spring into action to fight when the time calls for it.
But Vern is different he is not his usual cowardly self. He seems hopeful. Something is up; I need to see why here.
This is a tactical position. The vantage point should give me a good look at the fort, yet this place is too conveniently open. Perhaps the fort has towers that watch over this area.
I scan the area, looking for another advantageous position that can help me make a plan to take the fort. I see that further east there is a hill with lots of trees and shrubery for us to hide behind. A spot perfect for overlooking the fort and to stay hidden.
I head back to Vern and Alex. Vern's hopeful expression fades into dread as I make my way back.
'Change of plans. We go to that hill.' I point at the hill to Vern.
'But that won't give you the view over the f-'
I slap Vern before he can finish as I forcefully put his gag back on him.
'Follow me, this place isn't safe,' I say to Alex.
I gesture a raising motion, signalling all the Dogs that we are moving out.
I lead them to the other hill while pulling on Vern's leash. As we arrive at our new spot, the fort is finally in sight.
The walls are damaged, falling apart from years of neglect. In the middle is a tall stone tower. It doesn't seem to be anything important. The watchtowers of the fort are at every corner of the wall. Two of them perfectly overlook the cliff that we were previously on. If we stepped on that cliff's edge, even prone, they will have seen us.
I can see a Cinari patrol on the walls and towers, but it is hard to tell how many are in the fort.
This may not be the best spot to fully over observe the fort, but it will have to do. It's the safest.
'What's the plan?' Alex whispers to me.
'I believe we can easily overwhelm their defences. We attack them head on through the wall's opening.'
'Wait.' Alex points at the watchtowers. 'If we charge, that could give our position away and they can easily set up a counter-offence.'
'Got any better ideas?' I remark.
I see his concern, but I've already accept the risk. We have no other choice but to act now.
'We don't know their full strength; it could be like it was at the mine. If they see a problem, they will communicate it to each other from one tunnel to the other.' Alex retorts, as he draws a rough map of the area.
'We attack at night. I'll take half of the Dogs and take them to the other side. When you attack, they will send most of their men to deal with you. But we will come in from behind and take out the towers, and attack them from the rear.'
That. That can work. Alex's plan is surprisingly brilliant with its simplicity.
'Okay. Take whoever you need and move out at sunset. I'll attack during the middle of the night.' I say to Alex as he sits back to watch over the fort.
We sit in silence, hiding behind shrubs and trees, barely moving. Watching the fort for anything of importance.
A large four legged animal with a long snout, with a Cinari riding on its back, runs into the fort, and soon after runs out with a piece of paper in hand. Vern says these creatures are horses, and the paper is probably just be a weekly update log.
This raises an additional problem. If we attack the fort and successful destroy it and take it over, then we have one week before the Cinari notice our activity. We have to be ready when they send more Cinari down to enslave us once more. But that is a problem for after we take the fort
I lie down, looking at the sky. The trees sway with the branches rattling to the wind's blow. I close my eyes to nap, to rest for the evening.

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