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— IT was raining today, raelynns favorite weather.

she never bothered to care about the other little weather fiascos, unless it was snowing or raining. then, she would be in such a great and bubbly mood.

as she finished her outfit with a few rings, necklaces, and bracelets, a knock rang on her door. she rolled her eyes, sighing and placing her hands down from her neck.

"come in!" she whipped her head around, a peeping brown haired peaked through the door.

a bright grin formed on raelynns face, her gloominess left when she saw the familiar face.

lyla jones, her bestfriend since 4 years ago.

she smiled brightly at her, shuffling over to her to embrace her in a warm hug.

the warmth took over, lyla felt at home in her bestfriends arms, she felt safe as if nothing could harm them.

"hi rae! okay, are you ready for the first day of school?" lyla beamed, praying for a good reaction out of her bestfriend.

raelynns smile dropped, she quickly put on a upset frown, her eyes dropped and she looked back up. "no... it's school ly! of course i'm not ready." she mumbled, bending down and grabbing her heavy backpack.

her back was heavy, making her tumble back a bit before she regained her balance and looked at the now huffing and groaning lyla jones.

"but rae!-"

"zip it. zilch, let's go!" she cut her off, grabbing her hand and guiding her down the stairs.

raelynns parents were already at work, they didn't have enough time to eat so rae grabbed her and her companion a banana before snatching keys off her kitchen counter.

the two girls then opened the front door, running out, down the stairs, and then sprinting down the sidewalk to get to the bus stop.

the keys were for her to get in and out of the house of course, so they had to go on the bus.

raelynn & lyla joked and talked about things, striking a conversation up about celebrity crushes.

somehow, when they got on the bus they got on the topic of the black phone actors. raelynn had recently forced lyla to watch the black phone, and the two haven't turned back ever since. it's been their comfort movie ever since.

olivia and amelia had a whole different conversation going on, the four had their own duos and they were okay with it. it didn't bother them at all, it made them closer infact.

at one point, someone on the bus had accidentally shoved raelynn, making her phone fall and it got cracked.

olivia, was that friend. she didn't take shit from anyone, had anger issues, and would fight for her friends.

Craving    ♱    T. PravongWhere stories live. Discover now