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— GRAYSON, raelynns brother had been roaming around the house waiting for his sister and his friend to awaken, tristan. they both were in her room, sleeping away like they were in hibernation.

raelynn felt bad and forced tristan to sleep on the other side of her bed, he disagreed but gave in at the end because she was getting ready to jump on him and force him down. they fell asleep next to eachother, but woke up wrapped around eachother as well.

tristan's arms were wrapped around her waist, she was burrowing her face in the crook of his neck and holding the back of his neck tightly, not realizing since she was passed out.

her brother creeped around the corner, and looked at the two sleeping teens. a small smile occurred on his face, but he quickly shook his head and smacked himself, he couldn't be rooting for his sister to get a boyfriend, he didn't want her to get hurt.

grayson noticed the sheets that dangled from under the mattress that covered underneath the bed, was slightly lifted. he has never seen what was under there, and he didn't ever wanna figure out. until now, he was curious.

he wanted to be able to laugh at something that he found, maybe a diary that she kept her deepest darkest secrets in, maybe it had some pages in it that describes her crushes or how in love she was, he expected her to be the stereotypical highschool girl, but then he actually found a box and was totally shocked.

"what could perfect little raelynn lewis be hiding in here?.." he spoke lowly, not wanting them to know that he had just found a top secret box.

grayson slid the lid off and looked at the 5 envelopes, wrapped with yarn around them and a heart on each and every one. he lifted the stack up and stared at it, regretting his choices. he slowly removed one, and flipped it over.

there laid a date, a name, and a address to be shipped too.

smirking, he noticed this one was tristan's note, and now he knew how he could ruin his little sisters life in one simple way. so, being a older brother, he gently opened it up.

unfolding the note, he carefully took in how it was written in cursive, her best handwriting.

how it had little hearts over the i's, which she only specifically did when she had a crush on someone. he remembered from one of her childhood crushes, hayley kiyoko after one of her videos blew up.

grayson snickered, his little sister was head over heels for one simple kid that she just met a few days ago.

he tried to be happy for her, but shook the thought away cause he wanted to embarrass her more.

he read the letter, gasping and snorting like a highschool girl as he continued to read, glancing up every few seconds to see if the two sleeping teens had waken up.

he forgot to look up after a few times, and a voice screeched.

"what on earth are you doing grayson?! that's mine you douche!" raelynn woke up, blushing slightly at tristan's hand placement but she shoved it off and booked it off her bed, making a straight line towards her brother.

she lunged at his body, making him tumble down on the wooden floor and making a thump sound. grayson groaned and yelled for her to get off, but she just kept hitting him until hands grabbed her waist and yanked her back.

"woah rae! what's happening?" tristan's voice spoke behind her, his hands still wrapped tightly around her. she sneered at her brother, before grabbing tristan's hands and holding them.

"my idiotic brother went through THINGS THAT WEREN'T HIS!" she thundered, tristan swore he could see smoke coming out of her ears as her face turned red. "and what were those.. things?" he hesitantly asked, she shook her head as a sign of no, but grayson opened his mouth.

and with that, she shoved tristan away and jumped on her brother again, this time landing on her back with her brother holding her down as if she was a maniac.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU LITTLE ROACH!" she kicked, praying her brother wouldn't say a word about what he had found.

her brother looked up and smirked. "i found a box of little notes that raelynn has written over the years, care to further explain, you little shit?" grayson smiled down at her. she fumed, hating her brother and wishing she hid it somewhere else.

"fuck you." she insulted, shoving him off and earning a shocked look from the two boys, and her mother and father who were now staring in the doorway.

"did she just?.." "yeah, yeah she did.. let's leave them alone steph." the parents whispered to eachother, slowly backing out of the room and closing the door silently.

tristan's eyes were wide, he's only known her for a few days but he's looked at all her social medias and he's never seen her cuss once, it confused him, but also knew that she was super mad and he didn't wanna mess with her right now. "are you okay rae?.." he slowly examined her posture, how she was staring at her brother and wishing she could throw daggers at his face like a dart board.

"i'm fine. thanks tris, grayson get out. " she turned from tristan to her brother, who walked out and slammed the door behind him. raelynn glanced over at tristan, he silently sat down on her bed, ruffling his hair and being lost about all that just happened even after she told him.

she snatched the box and placed the note for tristan in the envelope, sliding them all back in the yarn before tying it and gently placing them in the box, shoving it under her bed to make sure nobody else would be able to see them, like her brother did.

it surprised her family and tristan when she cussed, but it didn't surprise her. it isn't her first time, and it won't be her last. she was beyond pissed, so she had every right to say what she did. and she didn't regret it, not one bit.

infact, she was proud of herself.

she's never stood up for herself, and she has never hurt her brother or said anything to defend herself considering he's been acting like this ever since she was a little girl. they always have had some enemy things going on, and it never occurred to her that her brother would try to ruin her life with no problem at all.

and he did. he did the worst thing she could imagine, and she will despise him forever because of his actions. his actions needed consequences, and he got them.

ruru speaks:
so sorry for a very late update and short chapter! i barely have time to update anymore, i have school going on and other things. i'll try my greatest to update more!!

aurora < 3

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