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— THE next day was different for the girls, the group bugged raelynn about her very short interaction with the loved celebrity.

she was still awaiting a message from him, checking her phone every second, every hour, every minute, hoping she would see a message pop up that went along the lines of "hey it's tristan!" or something similar to it.

it was 4pm, and olivia, lyla, and amelia had begged raelynn to go to the city fair, it was an annual carnival that happened every year in the same weekend every since 1978. it was somewhere the people of the town could go to get their minds off of things, it was filled with joy and happiness as music blared through the speakers, children and adults screaming on rides, and many many chattering voices.

rae hated big crowds, she felt as if they were all watching her, but in this case she sucked it up and walked to a ride with her friends. she was wary to go on, so they reluctantly agreed to go onto a smaller ride that was simple and wouldn't make them throw up.

she checked her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, only to sigh and put her phone right back in her butt pocket, sliding her friend a simple smile and then hopping on the ride, frowning at the loss of interaction with her beloved.

the ride shot up, making the four girls squeal and for lyla to grip onto raelynn, making her smile and giggle at her touch. the cart then slid down, the girls lifted their arms up in the air and they screamed and laughed at eachother, going up and down, side to side, on the roller coaster.

after that, raelynn was feeling dizzy due to the ride. olivia was to busy ranting about how fun the ride was to notice, until raelynn stumbled into someone and fell on the ground, colliding with a warm body.

she panicked, instantly attempting to regain her sight as she felt the grass and then her hand on the other person, she widened her eyes and wobbled up, reaching her hand out and finally seeing the person.

oh my god no it was tristan.

her pupils dilated, lylas jaw dropped and so did amelia's, olivia stood there in shock, while tristan grumbled and looked over at the now terrified girl.

"raelynn? i didn't know it was you.. are you okay?" he asked, grabbing her hand and standing up, opening his arms for her to stumble in.

almost immediately she fell in his arms, her sight still hazy as the screams and voices of people seemed to disappear. they were faint, muffled, and she didn't know why.

she looked up and realized she was gripping onto him, but he was holding her by the waist looking down at her, raising his eyebrows at her hand gestures.

all she could see and hear was him, she admired the way his hair shined and danced in the wind. the way his eyes glistened and sparkles when he looked at her, the way his grip was staying on her like they were about to die.

Craving    ♱    T. PravongWhere stories live. Discover now