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— PONDERING on what just happened to raelynn, was what she was doing

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— PONDERING on what just happened to raelynn, was what she was doing. she stood there for a few seconds, buffering,  until it finally hit her that her favorite boy had just placed his soft lips on hers.

finally coming to reality, she grabbed ahold of the sides of his face and deepened the kiss. she closed her eyes and felt as the ends of his lips lifted into a quick, big smile. her face turned the shade of a tomato, and she laid her hands down to intertwine his with hers. he didn't bother, he grabbed ahold of her hands as thoughts rushed around and through his little ears.

the two finally pulled away, wanting some air. she got lost in his eyes, going back and forth between both of them.

"i've been wanting to do that for a while now." he babbled, worried that she hadn't been feeling the same. he fiddled with the ring on her middle finger, and she watched as he did so, like a child being distracted by such small things.

looking down at her feet, she responded. "me too..". it came out so very quick, but not quick enough for him to not understand what she had just whispered. she felt safe when she was around him, not like she felt with anyone else. finally, his eyes glided up to meet hers. his nose scrunched up, indicating he was happy but didn't know how to respond. raelynn giggled, beaming widely at the boy. she snatched his hand back, lacing them together as she began to run and drag him behind her.

and he did so, like a lost child following someone. he ran with her, down the street, passing the two girls who interrupted them earlier, giving them a quick nod and then glancing back at the road in front of them. she wanted to go home, it was her safe place, and he didn't care where he went, as long as he was with her.

they finally reached her house, panting and suffering. of course, raelynn couldn't get the door open. she got tristan to message her brother and get him to open the door. soon after , footsteps were heard stepping down, until they approached the door and the lock turned.
appeared her brother, staring at the two back and forth.

he yanked tristan in, but shut the door on his sister that he held a grudge against. "wha- GRAYSON? WHAT THE HECK LET ME IN!" she yelled, banging on the door, stopping for a second when she heard it lock and a couple of snickers belonging to her brother. tristan muttered something, he tried to open the door but grayson stared at him and told him to get upstairs or he would do something to raelynn. with that, he nodded and ran up the stairs, already having a plan to get her into her own house.

tristan didn't want grayson to overpower his own sister, mostly because he knew he would hurt her severely without any thought or trace behind it. running up the stairs, he stormed into raelynns room and closed it shut, locking it to make sure her brother wouldn't come in after him and beat him to a pulp. tristan looked around, until he spotted the window.

sprinting over, he unlocked it and opened it up, whispering to rae. she didn't notice until she finally looked up and got the same idea as him, he ushered her to come up, so she climbed up on her roof and finally reached her window to her room. tristan held his hand out, and she took it.

maybe a little too quick.

she fell, on top of him. making him tumbledown like the effect of dominos. they thumped on the floor, the two groaning as they struggled to get up. she shoved herself off of him, landing on her back and sitting up to help him. they both stood up, brushing off their clothes.

apparently, her brother heard them.

and he ran upstairs and jiggled rhe door handle, trying to get in. panic settled in the room, tristan screeched and shoved her into her own closet, but she shoved him and told him that the closet would be the first place he looked. she slid behind a chair in the corner of her room, wincing her eyes tightly shut.

the door swung open as soon as tristan unlocked it, a growl emitted into the  atmosphere, erupted from her brother. "what was that?" he sternly questioned the terrified boy, he shook his head and shrugged, acting like he didn't just help his little crush into her own room. grayson began searching around, opening the closet first, then under the bed, then around but gave up. "i know she was here."tristan stiffened at those words.he didn't know what he would do if he found the blondie, and it worried him. grayson finally snickered, and raelynn could hear footsteps walking towards her hiding spot.

now, they both were terrified.

she was scared of what he would do to her, but most importantly to the kid who hid her. she covered her mouth, staring at the ceiling above her, hoping the light wouldn't be covered by darkness from her brother.

but, it did.

grayson looked down, and saw the shaken up girl hiding.

she uncovered her mouth, being ready to take whatever her brother was gonna do. he had issues, severe issues. and she knew it, but hoped he wouldn't do anything to his dear sister.

luckily, he sucked his teeth and just simply grabbed her hair and made her stand on her feet. "i knew it. just stay up here and don't bother me, got it, rae?" he smirked at her. she nodded and ripped his grip from her hair, wincing and hissing at her roots. tristan backed up and watched as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

tristan instantly ran over to the girl, wrapping her into his arms and holding her tight. he told her she should go take a shower to calm down, and she did.

she slid into the shower, the music she was playing booming in her ears and filling the air with tunes.

she laid her head under the shower head, looking down and letting the water run down her hair and soak it up.

at this point, she was ready to give up trying to have a relationship with anyone. he always ruined it, he would stare down boys who would glance at his sister, and when the boys would get close to her, he would ruin them. he would spread rumors like a highschool girl would, he would slowly become their worst nightmare as he would torment them everyday until they finally backed down and left his sister alone.

in some twisted way, it was wholesome. but, at the same time it wasn't.

raelynn let out a small sob, giving up with everything. she leaned her forehead on the shower wall, wishing her brother was someone else.

someone who didn't ruin her life,

or her.

ruru speaks:

woah deep chapter

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