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RAELYNN WAS YET to get used to the amount of people that would in fact, be hating her due to her being close friends with the whole cast. specifically, the men of the cast. the girl has always known that every time a girl is introduced who is not that particularly famous to someone that is- will be either hated by most or loved by most. she's seen it happen in many occasions, mainly when it comes to big stars in big movies or TV shows.

the one thing she failed to realize, was she was going to be in that situation at least once in her god forsaken life.

she shifted to the side, giving a shy smile to the fan, and then passing it on to tristan, who gave her a concerned look but brushed it off nonetheless. rae never wanted anyone to worry about her in any specific way, she wanted to be the worrier. in some ways, she would push her own feelings to the side to comfort her own friends if anything happened and she so happened to be upset about it herself. in this case, that's what was happening.

as long as her friends were happy and having a wonderful time, she was going to act as if she was fine herself. it was like clockwork, for her to let her worries frown upon her mind like it was nothing. that's how she was, and always would be no matter what the situation was. a click went off, indicating the girls mom snapped the picture, and then she pulled away from them. they spoke for a few moments, finally moving along and seemingly enjoying the fact she got to meet her idols as she walked away.

tristan snapped her out of her thoughts once again, her eyes moving to where his hand rested which was clasped around her arm. "everything okay?" he questioned, earning a simple nod from the blonde girl. "yeah! are you?" she returned the question, glancing at her own friends. the rest of the group were in their own little world, not minding anything besides talking about what they would do next. "i'm fine, yeah. cmon, let's go to the hotel now." tristan spoke up again.

rae nodded subtly, walking to the girls and making sure to keep them in her line of sight once they began walking back to the cars in the adjacent parking lot. many people had already left, so it wasn't that hard to get there without feeling like she wished someone would back up and just.. run her over like a damn pancake.

a girl could dream.

her fingers moved anxiously, listening to the sound of their car starting as she got inside, making sure to sit near the window so she could look out at the scenery and avoid speaking to anyone. its not like she was in a speaking mood after what happened. maybe she was being dramatic, but it felt odd to have people that didn't even know her disliking her sinking into her skin. it melded with her bones, melting inside and burying deep within her.

there was no use crying about it. she would just have to accept it, right? raelynn watched as the scenery flew by, her head pressed against the cold window, every soft breath that escaped her lips fogging up the window. after a moment of staring at it, she lifted her hand up, drawing a small heart in the fog, and watching it, before quickly wiping it away with her palm.

she watched as it began to rain, raindrops gently hitting the windows, some quickly running down the glass, others sitting there. rae nearly laughed out loud at herself for staring at a raindrop and feeling like she knew what it was thinking. meanwhile, tristan had been watching her the entire time, overthinking every little overlapping thought that ran through his mind at a heavy speed. what if he asked her if she was okay? no, it was obvious she wasn't, he would just be making it worse.

his hand hovered over her shoulder, finally planting itself only her shirt covered skin, her head turning to the side once she got snapped out of her raindrop daze.

words had always seemed useless between them since the day they met. it was always the eyes. they could tell from one singular look every emotion the other was feeling, like they were interlinked in some telepathic way, and that's why she trained her eyes on something else, hoping she concealed her emotions better. but, she didn't. "hey, it's okay. come here." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, her body immediately leaning into his touch and pressing against his side.

they were like two peas in a pod. they fit together like puzzle pieces that finally found their missing match. she was curled up, his hand moving over her arm soothingly, while his head rested against hers. it's always nice to be held even if it's under different circumstances. she wished he could've held her when she wasn't upset, so it would be something she'd like to remember and not something she'd want to forget in the future.

the one thing rae didn't expect was for her eyes to get droopy. she could barely keep them open when she was in his grasp, her eyes fluttering open and closed every now and then, attempting to stay awake so she wouldn't fall asleep on him like an idiot. she kept doing it until she couldn't anymore. the darkness swarmed her vision, her breathing slowing, eyes shutting, and she fell into a deep sleep. one she had been needing for a while.

what she didn't realize, was tristan was internally panicking. this was the first time someone had fallen asleep on him, not to mention someone he had the fattest crush on, and all he wanted to do was panic and scream but he didn't want to wake her up. so he stayed quiet, attempting to control himself, wondering if it had gotten hot in the car or if it was just him. and of course the girl that was asleep. on him.

lyla twisted her body in the passenger seat to look at them, and when she did, now tristan was asleep, his head rested on hers, the hand that was once soothingly running up her arm laying limp on her skin. the sight made her giggle, her hand clamping over her mouth as she lifted her phone up and snapped a few pictures, whisper yelling at everyone else in the car.

they were not gonna live this down any time soon.

ruru speaks! 🪱
i'm so gonna revamp this whole fic. every time i look back at my old fics i want to jump off a bridge bc a few of the things i wrote make me violent 💔

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