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— "RAELYNN is that you?"

a sudden, incredulous voice rang behind her. she stopped in her tracks, praying to herself it was just one of her bestfriends that would understand her. she ripped a rose off, and held it tightly in her hands before spinning on her heel to greet whoever spoke behind her.

and, to a non surprise, the man that always shows up when she does NOT need anyone around her, tristan. the one and only.

she cleared her throat, mentally rolling her eyes and begging god to make him go away. it's not that she didn't want him there, or that she felt uncomfy around him. it's the fact he's always there when she wants to be alone. when she's the most vulnerable, where nobody has seen her like it. she smiled at him, slightly flashing her glossy blue eyes. "hi tristan. i didn't expect you to be.. in a field of roses?.." furrowing her eyebrows, she spoke. attempting to sound like she hadn't been shedding tears a few minutes before he'd shown up.

he chortled, looking down at his shoes and back up. "yeah- honestly i didn't either but.. i saw you run here and i wanted to see if you were okay?" he inquired, begging for an atleast "i'm okay." answer. tristan was genuinely worried for her, he didn't know why but she seemed pretty wrecked after her brother nearly exposed her. she seemed like she wanted to get out of the house, and she didn't know that her brother had already plotted something else.

"i'm fine, thank you. are you?" she returned the question, earning a quick nod and a small laugh. "yeah, great." he replied. she smiled, and it felt genuine. raelynn looked back at the roses, and snatched one off the bush, giving it to the black haired boy infront of her.

"well how kind of you!" he joked, flashing a adorable smile. bowing, he held out his hand and she stood up straight, grabbing his hand as they laced them together, walking through the rose field.

after about a minute, something landed on her other figure, it was a black butterfly. she's seen many butterflies in her sixteen years of living, but never a pure black one with white dots on the edges of its wings. the two stopped and stared at it, admiring all of its beauty.

suddenly, the butterfly was on her shoulder and tristan's hands had made his way to her waist, pulling her closer. her eyes enlarged as she noticed what he was doing, and so did his but his pupils grew. rae slowly slid her hands up his neck, not knowing what to do but following the lead of most teen movies she's watched.

he leaned in, and it took her by surprise. but, nonetheless she leaned in too.


the two teens groaned at the loss of touch as they both slung their hands down to their sides, looking at eachother and giggling quietly. amelia had noticed the running girl earlier, as she was outside with olivia. so now, olivia and amelia were running at the two, full speed.

raelynn grabbed his shoulder and moved him back slightly, worried that one of the girls were bound to run into one of them like a bowling pin. luckily, neither of them did. they ended up slowing down and panting, holding up one finger as a sign for them to hold on for them to began speaking. "FIRST OFF. we saw that almost kiss, very sorry we had to ruin it but it was urgent." amelia started, standing up and leaning on her back. olivia stood up as well, but she brushed her knees off. she had fallen a few minutes before trying to get to them.

"second, tristan if u hurt this lovely girl right here i'll cut you know what o-" raelynn slammed her hand over olivia's mouth, getting a loud scoff back. "that's enough via thanks." she angrily smiled at her, olivia knew she was mentally cussing her out but didn't say anything out loud.

"i uh.. i promise you i won't?" tristan buffered, being terrified of olivia before she even said that was enough, but now? he was petrified of her. he will now run away whenever he sees her miles away, just to avoid getting chased and hurt by his crushes bestfriend. "positive?" amelia continued her friends sentence, being on olivia's side. amelia was usually a very sweet girl, similar to lyla, but she doesn't appreciate when something happens to her sister like bestfriends. she turns into a new person, and not a good one.

he thought about it for a second. he wanted to know what would happen if anything happened to the beloved girl, but he also didn't want to hurt her because he truly loved her.

"yeah. i'm sure amelia." he replied, turning to the blonde haired girl, who was already staring at him. she denied it all the time to her friends, but truth is, raelynn was falling in love with the boy standing in front of her.

every little bit of him, everything he did, she loved and adored. the way his laugh would make her smile and her cheeks go a taint red, the way his aroma made her feel comforted and safe, the way he talked about her to his friends and they would tell on him, just solely, and truly, him.

but, only love made her that foolish. she's never dreamt about spending her life with anyone else, except that one black haired boy. her friends would always have to almost nearly shove her out of her chair so she would stop daydreaming, they found it annoying, except lyla. lyla would smile and laugh slightly when she noticed her bestfriend was head over heels for a guy she fell in love with over a movie. nobody expected to see the day he would respond, nor the day they would fall in love with eachother.

and, here we are.

the two lovebirds staring at eachother in a rose field, quite literally something you would see in a romance book. the two girls were looking back and forth at the fallen teens, then they glanced at eachother and smirked, slowly inching away till they fully ran away.

leaving the boy and girl to get lost in eachothers eyes.

something lit in his, it looked like a little light once he clicked back to reality and realized his girl was staring right back into his eyes. he swore he could get lost in her blue, sky like eyes, but never admitted it.

as for her?

she was already lost in his brown eyes since she saw him.

it hasn't changed since she saw him roaming the halls, since she saw him in the movie. before, she thought he was just a handsome boy that she would never speak to, due to her sticking with a few people and only being nice to people if they spoke a word to her. but, here we are. she's done more than just speaking to him.

and he finally decided to do the unthinkable, the thing that the two begged one or the other would do sir not hesitation and would just do.

he kissed her.

ruru speaks:

uhm someone come get lorelei thx WrittenByLorelei

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