Part 1

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Takemichi's past -

Takemichi never had a good childhood, well he never had good of anything since the day he was born. Not even family.

It was a lovely sunny day when Takemichi was born, a day everyone wanted their child to be born on, everyone who layed eyes on him thought he was a girl cause of how cute he was. This didn't go well with hes parents. This caused a lot off arguments, hes dad yelling at hes mother "EVERYONE THINKS HES A GIRL, HES BASICALLY YOU SO WHY NOT TREAT HIM LIKE ONE" hes dad never wanted a baby, never wanted a son. "HES A BOY AND SO WHAT IF HES A LITTLE ME" hes mother would yell back, all she wanted was a child no matter the gender. This went on for years and over time hes mums love for him disapeared to the point she left.

Before she left she turned to him, without a smile, without any emotion before saying "I hate your father....more then anything but I hate you more then life itself, I regret having you" and turned before leaving. She left a 3 year old Takemichi crying for her on the doorstep of their house while hes father drunk hes life away. Takemichi through out a few more years learned how to deal with hes father as well as take the beatings from him. He's father was careful though to make sure to not leave a mark where people would see. It was when Takemichi was 7 he found out he's father sold him to a family to get married to their middle child, a trouble maker apparently.

Takemichi is know 7, he turned 7 a few weeks ago. Know he has just finish getting a beating cause he was apparently breathing too loud, he's father went to grab another drink and he took the opportunity to run and break free for the first time. He quietly put a top on as well as he's bright red sneakers before dashing for the door. "Takemichi where are you going?" He heard from the room just up the hallway but he stayed quite and tried to unlock the door. "TAKEMICHI WHAT HAVE I SAID, YOU ARE TO NEVER LEAVE THIS HOUSE, DO I NEED TO PUNISH YOU AGAIN" He was shaking but slowly looked behind him only to see hes father slowly walking down the hallway angry , while holding a beer.

He started crying before turning and fiddling with the door while he's father kept screaming and walking closer to him. He managed to open the door and run with an inch before he's father could grab him, he ran and didn't look back until he was lost and came across a park. He whipped hes face and wondered around not knowing what to do, he's never been allowed to the park. After a while he came across someone in the distance, he walked over and stopped before looking at the boy. 'I wonder why he is upset' he thought before the boy looked up at him. Takemichi saw he hand bandages on hes face.

The boy was shocked to see someone so close to him and just started yelling "GET AWAY FREAK, YOUR A WEIRDO" he carried on but saw nothing seemed to faze or scared the boy and this confused him before he could say anything Takemichi gently leaned in and took the bandages off hes face, the boys eyes widen and pushed Takemichi away. He got back up before leaning close to him again "are you ok?" He asked, worry clear in he's voice but the boy ignored him before he asked again "excuse me, are you ok, do they hurt?" And he waited again before the boy sighed in defeat. "No....they don't hurt, they are nearly healed........and I'm not ok, I can't take any friends, they all run away saying I'm a monster and my scares scare them" it went quite.

The boy looked at the raven head before he's eyes widened at what the boy did. Takemichi gently put hes hands on the boys face while he's thumbs rested on the diamond scares before smiling "your beauty never ever scared me" he spoke so sincerely witch took the boy by surprise. "Wait no, your lying, I scare everyone o- no....I have seen worse and these scares are beautiful and I mean it" Takemichi spoke before gently leaning in a hugging the boy "trust could never scare me" with those words Sanzu finally hugged back, hoping and praying this boy, this Angel will never leave him. Takemichi was in pain from the hug but didn't want he's new friend to know.

They played for a while and introduced themselves before becoming friends but theirs times never last long and it was time to leave, the time Takemichi was hoping would never come. He smiled before waving bye to Sanzu knowing he won't see him again but sadly Sanzu never knew and this broke him, Sanzu waited everyday but Takemichi never showed up so Sanzu gave up and would find him when they were older and would ask for an explanation.

A few years later Sanzu found out at the age off 15 he was to be married, he was angry cause he didn't want to be tied down by some girl but when he found out it was a man he got even more angry well that was until he found out it was Takemichi. The little boy he met years ago who left him alone, he calmed down and waited for that day little did he know they would meet years later cause he never showed up for the wedding.

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