Part 8

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They sorted out the sleeping blonde on the bed after cleaning he's wound and bandaging it up, they sat beside the bed "I'm sorry we left you alone.....we might have not known each other but we have this connection with you we never thought we would have" Ran said before quite came to say hello, after a while the quite left "hey bro, do you think...I mean I've been thinking, Takemichi looks familiar to the boy who helped us that one day before disappearing" this caught Rans attention "wait, you don't think ha no way" "maybe, Ran think about it, he's smile is just like he's but not only that he fights just like us, maybe he stole some off our moves" Rindou continued and without Ran stopping him he rolled the blankets up and took Takemichi's shoes off before gently looking at hes foot.

"Well is it there?" Ran asked but he's brother never said anything so he got up and walked over only to see the scare and little mole they noticed on the boy in their childhood "no way, it's him....the little boy who helped us beat people who picked a fight with us" Ran went quite while he's brother noded before covering Takemichi again "wow, he's grown a lot...wait when he was a kid he was so nice even with everything he went through and all we did was smack he's hand away and tell him to leave us alone cause we are strong unlike him....." Rindou said, clear sadness in he's voice. "But yet, he was the one to beat all those boys while all we could do is take down one" Ran spoke while remembering that one day this blonde showed up.


It was a rainy day and the brothers were in the park just messing around like 10 year old kids do when a group of boys, maybe 12 years old walked over and told them to leave "hey leave, this is our area know, your trespassing haha we are gonna be a future gang" he clear leader spoke, the brothers looked at each other and just carried on with what they were doing. This pissed off the others boys and a fight broke out, the brothers thought they had the upper hand since it was both off them fighting only one member of their group. Little did they know they were gonna loose.

The boys managed to take down one but they were beat and tired, Rindou on the floor holding hes leg cause the other boy managed to grab it and twist it while Ran stood well was wobbling trying to defend hes brother "dont w-worry I got this b-Bro" he breathed out with little air he has while the leader of the group laughed "don't make me laugh little boy, you can barely stand" he walked over and only had to poke Ran for him to fall back "see I told y-" he didn't have time to finish hes sentence before something happened.

It was like it was in slow motion, both brothers eyes widen at what is happening, a small blonde kid, ocean blue eyes, ruined clothes and no shoes, maybe 9 years old came out off what it seems like thin air and has landed a punch to the side of the leaders head sending him flying. "Dam I hate people like you" he was looking at hes hand like he didn't care for the rest "why you li- DID I SAY SPEAK" he yelled startling the rest of the members "starting a fight cause your bored or wanna show your strong is pointless, you won't be nothing expect shit on my shoe" this clearly angered them all and they all charged. The brothers closed their eyes for what seemed like ages but eventually they opened them only to find the blonde still standing and all the older boys knocked out.

The boy turned around to the brothers and smiled before holding a hand out to help them "hey, are you guys ok, your not hurt are you?" He asked but the brothers thought he was acting like they were weak so they got angry and slapped he's hand away "leave us alone, we are strong unlike you" Ran and Rindou said, this startled the boy and he stepped back while he's smile faded into a dead look before yelling startled them but not the boy "HEY, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT RUNNING OFF BRAT" a man yelled, Takemichi walked over to the man before he was grabbed by the arm and was yelled at. They also witnessed the man slap the boy over the head but they didn't think anything off it since some dads do that when they are annoyed.

End off flashback

When they came out their little memory they felt as though the room felt heavy, they looked at each other before they heard it, their death "what. Is. The. Meaning. Of. This." Someone spoke at the door, the brothers heads whip round to look and sure enough standing at the door was their very angry boss and a even angrier Sanzu. "I told you to keep him safe" their boss walked over "uh y-yeah but umm why is that...he's just a prisoner" Ran asked "well if you must know" he stopped before looking at the blonde "for some reason he reminds me off my brother......small smiles, the fighting and determination" it went silent and the brothers thought they were safe.

"Sanzu, teach these boys a lesson for disobeying orders" yep they were not, Sanzu looked like he was going to enjoy this.

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