Part 11 - last part

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Last part cause I am kinda board off this one


They took Takemichi home, Sanzu not letting go for one minute and keeping the boy to hes chest. "Hanma did something, just what?" ram said while they all walked back into their base "most probably beat him, by the way he reacted to Sanzu, Hanma clearly knew he was Takemichi's fiancé and wanted to get rid of him, so he beat him until Takemichi listened to him and believed he's lied" Koko said to answer he brother's question, they all watched as Sanzu took Takemichi back to hes room to have some time with him before he woke and freaks out.

"Guys....I may not allow you too date or marry anyone but we need to help them" every darted their eyes at their boss "don't look so surprised, it's not like I can stop it, they have to be married cause off the paper....I can't just get rid off it and Takemichi deserves this cause of those bastard parents" everyone nodded, agreeing that they were gonna do this, for Takemichi.

Takemichi soon woke up and looked around before freaking out cause he realised he was in Sanzu's arms, he ran to the other side off the room before turning to him "WHAT DO YOU WANT, I WAS GOOD SO LEAVE ME ALONE" he yelled at the clearly sad man, he sighed "Takemichi....I didn't hurt you, I cared for you" he stood and slowly walked over witch made Takemichi freak out even more "you said my beauty will never ever scare you" "your a lier, HE SAID YOU WOULD SAY THAT, I TOLD HIM THAT NOT YOU" he yelled while shaking and that made Sanzu stop in he's tracks before Takemichi darted away from him and out the door before bumping into someone.

He looked up to see Kaku and he clung to him "please, help me....he's been lying to me, he tried to...." Tears fell down he's face and Kaku hugged him before looking up with wide eyes, standing there looking at him and Takemichi is Sanzu but he was crying. He was in pain. He reported this to the rest of the others and they all looked sad for the pink haired man and wanted to help. Well they tried but Takemichi was not helping, he kept running away, screaming, crying, anything but sorting out what was right and what was wrong. This went one for weeks on weeks.

One day Sanzu could not take it anymore so he walked over to Takemichi and cornered him in a corner "Sanzu, dont your just gon-  SHUT UP I KNOW WHAT IM DOING" he yelled making the poor blonde infront off him jump and start panicking, slowly he went into a panic attack and everyone started to worry, why did Sanzu do this. Takemichi slowly sank to the floor having a panic attack, the others were gonna yell at Sanzu but he suddenly bent down and grabbed Takemichi and pulled him into a hug before whispering "shhhh, your's me, it's Sanzu your fiancé and I'm sorry" he went quite while Takemichi gently punched hes chest to try and break free but Sanzu didn't budge "I'm sorry I could not find you sooner........but I won't let it happen again, never again my little mouse".

Takemichi's eyes widen as he remembered someone with bright hair saying something similar to what Sanzu was saying, he slowly looked up and it all came back, the fun they had, the hard times, everything. After a while Takemichi slowly started to get back to normal, it has been weeks since they found him and it was like they never lost him.

Years later they finally got married and it was like he was finally apart off the family, he was like a mum, scolding Mikey when needed, having nice talks with Kaku, forcing Koko to have a break and if he doesn't he takes he's computer away, messing around and doing pranks with the brothers all while having a good time with hes husband but that all ended when a rival gang broke into the family home off Sanzu and Takemichi, Takemichi was the only one home since Sanzu was on a mission and he was shot on the spot. Sanzu came home to the house destroyed, hes eyes widened "TAKEMICHI, BABY ANSWER ME" he yelled while running around the house only to find hes husbands lifeless, pale body laying on their bedroom floor. He ran over and picked him up while crying "I'm so sorry......I promised to protect you"

He informed the others and they all wanted revenge, no one was gonna get away with taking away their friend, their family and that's what they did, they hunted the assholes down and killed every last one. They went about their lives like the same, like Takemichi was still there. It was a rainy day when they decided to just take a walk, they were walking near a park when someone bumped into Sanzu, he looked down to see a little blonde boy "hey watch i-" he stopped as the boy looked up, beautiful ocean blue eyes stared back at him, he froze. Everyone looked and done the same before the boy said "I'm so sorry, my fault".

The boy saw Sanzu's scares and smiled "I like your scares, they are cool" before what seemed like he's father called, the boy waved goodbye before running over to him and reserving a slap on the head. The males watched "could that be?" Kaku asked "maybe it could be" Ran said "haha hes come back for us just as a child" Rindou said "I'll protect you....this time I swear" Sanzu spoke

"That's a promise, don't worry Takemichi..we are coming"

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