Part 4

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Just wanna say sorry for the last part, it was kind rushed, hopefully this part makes sense.


Next day

Surprising everyone, Mikey was the first one awake, first one to finish breakfast and first one to speak "excuse me, after you all finish we are going to go check on our prisoner" he spoke, still not emotion. People looked at each other confused while Sanzu looked ashamed that was until Koko spoke up "excuse me boss but why do we all have to go?" It was silent for a while "cause, that boy is a threat if one of us goes alone, you saw what he did to Rindou and Ran but not only that we kinda did something so wee need to make sure he is still alive" he's voice lased with worry but changed it.

"Uh boss, what did you do?" Rindou finally asked clearly asking the question everyone was thinking, he sighs "I forced Sanzu to...I forced him to bring Takemichi's dad and he's dads friends here to try and get a reaction out off him" everyone went silent before he continued "after they left I found out they beat and raped him, I finally got the reaction I wanted" everyone's eyes widened, Rindou and Ran were shocked, yeah Takemichi hurt them but they liked it cause it was a challenge and a good fight but never would let this happen to him. Koko and Kaku were shocked cause as soon as they saw the boy in the bar they got a feeling to want to protect this boy kinda like a mother and father would. Sanzu just kept hes eyes down at hes lap while he knew people were bearing holes into hes head.

Kaku finally stood up "boss wasn't that a little too far, he is only a year younger then you" clear anger in he's voice but Mikey didn't budge, he only stood up witch told people he was done with this conversation and it was time to go. They all followed Mikey while in surprise Sanzu was railing behind, eventually they got to the room and heard nothing "Maybe he is sleeping" Ran said while the others nodded, Mikey kept quite before sliding the door open and walking in with everyone including a guilty looking Sanzu. Everyone looked around the room only to find Takemichi laying on the floor in a corner.

Everyone's eyes widen at the mess off the room and the blood puddles everywhere. "What, what happened, how did he-" Mikey tried to say before a scream was heard startling everyone "TAKEMICHI" Sanzu yelled before darting towards the know tired boy, Takemichi maybe tired but the only thing he saw was a blurry figure running at him, he's eyes widened before crying again and trying to back up more then possible. He put hes hands up to cover hes face only to show Sanzu where the blood came from cause it was still dripping down he's arms. Sanzu nearly cried cause he wasn't there for hes fiancé when he needed him and he caused this to happen, he knelt down and gently grabbed Takemichi's shoulders only to cause the boy to flinch and yell.

"IM SORRY, PLEASE ILL BE GOOD I PROMISE" he keeps yelling only to feel himself being pulled into a hug, he slowly stops yelling and cries into Sanzu's chest before he's grip tightens around the crying blonde "shhhhh...I'm here, I'm here don't worry.....I won't leave you ever again, I'm here to protect you" he whispered in Takemichi's ear while he slowly calmed down and falling asleep in the pinks arms. After a while Sanzu remembers who else was there, he didn't move but turned hes head towards them. Standing there shocked was the others while he's king stands there what seems like he's angry but whatever happens 'I won't let them hurt you again...I'll stay until you wake' and that's what he did, no matter how many times people tried to make him leave he would not move, he would not leave hes fiancé.

But what happens when Mikey gets involved.

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