Part 9

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It seemed like ages before Sanzu was finished with the brothers but little to no harm was done, they were confused "hey man, you good...normally you would do way worse" Rindou asked before standing up and sorting out hes suit, Sanzu sighed "I can't hurt you, you were there for him when I wasn't, also it seems he can sleep with you guys in the room so" he put hes weapons down while the brothers gave each other a look "hey sanzu, what is your relationship with Michy" Ran asked witch clearly caught the man's attention, he turned and looked at them both "how did you, how did you know?" He asked confused.

"Well your being nice to him" Ran said "not only that, when he attacked boss in the bar you didn't try to kill him or save boss, you pulled him away first" Rindou continued, silence before the pink hair man finally spoke "fine just promise not to tell" the brothers noded while Rindou secretly knew he messed up by sending boss the note "well it happened when we were younger, it wasn't on record cause it was illegal.....we are in an arranged marriage, hes my fiancé" they looked shocked and didn't say anything. This mad Sanzu mad "WELL, DONT JUST STAY QUITE IDIOTS" he yelled snapping the two back.

"Wait, that sweet boy, the boy who helped us is going to marry you....there is no way" Ran said before laughing "no I wont let you have him, you don't deserve him" Rindou spoke while Sanzu pulled out a piece off paper from hes pocket and showed the two "here is brother gave it to me on my 7th birthday, its signed and we both can't get out off it" and what he said was true, the paper he was holding had both parents names on it. Know Rindou definitely regretted sending that note to the boss, Mikey won't let them date let alone marry. He was gonna speak and tell Sanzu what he did but the door slammed open to reveal Kaku "yo Takemichi is awake but Mikey has taken him so you guys can rest" the two boys Rindou and Sanzu's eyes widen knowing Mikey was up to something, something dangerous cause Takemichi reminds him off he's brother.

"Kaku no this can't happen, why does he want him?" Sanzu rushed over to him catching Kaku off guard "uh I don't know, all he said was he's taking him and to keep you away why do you ask" "KEEP ME AWAY BUT WH-" suddenly it clicked "no Mikey found out...." Everyone's eyes widen at the flamingo saying the bosses name and not 'my king' or something like that. "Hey what did he find out" Kaku gently put a hand on Sanzu's shoulder "he found out Takemichi is my fiancé, SOMEONE TOLD ON ME, IM GONNA KILL THEM FOR THIS, I WAS TRYING TO KEEP HIM SAFE" he yelled, starling Rindou while Ran saw "hey what's wrong...wait don't tell me it was you" he whispered into hes brothers ear only to get a small node.

It was weeks on weeks and Sanzu never found out who did it, he also never had time to spend with Takemichi cause Mikey kept him busy witch he hated but over time he forgot about Takemichi like he was never there, just like he's family. But one day all that fell, they were in a meeting and one chair was not there "hey boss where is Takemichi?" Koko asked while everyone else looked at the boss, he sighed "umm about that, I sent Takemichi on a mission alone...he finished it but on the way back something happened" it was silent, everyone was worried but not as much as Sanzu 'wait....Takemichi, my fiancé is missing, did something happen? Wait I forgot him like he's could I' He thought to himself. "Someone grabbed him on the way back and has sent a ransome with this picture" he threw a picture into the middle.

Everyone's eyes widen before Mikey read the note "he said that and I quote 'I have your little mouse, cute isn't he maybe I can keep him for myself

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Everyone's eyes widen before Mikey read the note "he said that and I quote 'I have your little mouse, cute isn't he maybe I can keep him for myself. Seems he's a virgin so might take that anyway want him back I want he's fiancé to meet me, I'm not letting my little puppy go unless I get to see who's taking him from me. Be at {insert location} at 10 tonight from H' seems he's gonna hurt and maybe rape him" he spoke but a hand slamming on the table startled them, they all looked to see a really fuming Sanzu, he looked feral "boss...when did you get this?" He looked up at hes boss "this morning, 5am" he's eyes widen "5 AM ARE YOU KIDDING ME, TAKEMICHI HAS BEEN MISSING SINCE LAST NIGHT AND YOUR ONLY TELLING US KNOW" everyone looked shocked seeing the loyal follower yelling at hes boss like that. He took a breath "Sanzu, he wants to meet Takemichi's fiancé so all we have to do is find her- NO WE CANT FIND HER CAUSE ITS NOT A GIRL" he yelled "oh and how would you know?" He spoke clearly trying to push hes buttons "do you maybe know them or maybe you knew Takemichi back then too" everyone looked at Sanzu, he normally don't get made at the boss but talking about Takemichi clearly upset him.

Mikey was about to speak when Sanzu made a hole in the table, hes hand bleeding "of course I know him cause I am him, I am Takemichi's fiancé" looking right into Mikey's eyes "I'm going to find him with or without your help" and with that he left. "How?" Mikey spoke, Kaku clearly understand "well when they were younger both their parents signed an illegal paper making it an arrangement marriage, they found out when they were 7 not only that but it seems they met as a kid as well. You know the kid witch helped Sanzu and said 'your beauty never ever scared me' seems that was Takemichi" Mikey sighs "Ran, Rindou, it seems you also had an encounter with Takemichi, go calm Sanzu down and let's make a plan......I might not have known him long but Takemichi is apart of the family know" and with that they ran after Sanzu.

"Don't worry Takemichi.....your real family is coming" Mikey whispered while a man was outside listening 'good luck Mikey, I won't give him up easily' the stranger thought before dashing off. 

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