Part 7

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They were getting ready for the mission when some new information came to light "yo guys, I have some information about the people your taking down" Koko popped out of nowhere to say, startling Takemichi. Ran noticed and placed a hand on hes shoulder to reassure him, he gave a small smile witch reminded Ran of the smile a small boy used to give him "so it seems we got something wrong, boys can't get close to the targets only girls can. Also it says they like blondes" it went quite before all 3 men slowly turn their heads to look at the small boy. They smirk. "Oh no, you have got to be joking, I'm not wearing a dress" he splatted out before running while being chased by ran "COME BACK LITTLE MOUSE, ITS FOR THE MISSION AND YOU WILL LOOK GOOD" "FUCK OFF" he yelled back.

Rindou watched amused before walking over to Koko "hmm, what's up Rin?" He asked before Rindou held out a piece of paper "get this too boss, it's something he might need to know" was all he said before Koko nodded and took the note, he walked off leaving Rindou alone. He turned around only to see a crying Takemichi and a smiling Ran, he eyes widen and goes red.

It was silent, too silent and it made Takemichi blush out off embarrassment "can someone say something please, it's embarrassing" it just went back to silence and that made Takemichi pissed, he turned around to go take the outfit off when he's han...

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It was silent, too silent and it made Takemichi blush out off embarrassment "can someone say something please, it's embarrassing" it just went back to silence and that made Takemichi pissed, he turned around to go take the outfit off when he's hand was suddenly grabbed so he turned hes head to see Rindou "dont, uh this is umm this is for the mission" he spoke before letting go, Takemichi sighed before agreeing. Ran walked over to hes brother and whispered "I know right, if we didn't know he was a boy and saw him like this I would have thought he was a girl" catching a glare from the blonde boy.

"Sorry but your gonna have to keep your dirty little thoughts to yourself cause I'm kinda taken AND IM A GUY" with that Takemichi walked in the heels no problem towards the car and got in, the brothers were left speechless "dam hes a little firecracker when not freaking out, this is gonna be fun" Ran said before walking to the drivers side off the car, Rindou watched "ha yeah this is gonna be fun, good luck Sanzu" he spoke before getting in next to hes brother. The drive was nice, they listened to music and got to know each other. In that short time they got close and the brothers didn't even know it, everything was over when they got there.

"Ok Takemichi listen up, they are traitors and we need to take them out, permanently" thinking it will scare him but remember what happened in he's childhood "yeah I understand, I'll bring them to where we need to, leave it too me and just watch" he spoke before getting out the car and sorting out hes outfit. He headed in. "Dam, he's gonna fit right in but the big question is, Him and Sanzu" Rindou said before getting out with hes brother "yeah, it seems like they know each other but how?" They both kept asking questions they know they will never get an answer too. They walked in and tried to blend in while keeping an eye on their little blonde.

Takemichi looked around and without even a second later he spots them, forcing a smile he walks over but is stopped by two bodyguards and this startled him "uh...oh I'm so sorry..I was just umm" he done a girls voice like it was natural, the brothers were shocked. Takemichi played with hes hair like he was nervous, this caught the two targets attention 'seems they like the shy type' so he played with it "I'm so sorry....please don't be mad, I was separated from my friends" "hey, let her through" one of the targets said, black hair yellow eyes while the other target green dyed hair and brown eyes looked Takemichi up and down, he slowly walked over to them and sat down in a chair not far away from them.

The brothers didn't like how close Takemichi was to them, they felt as though that boy was know their younger brother but they had to let him do hes job "so what's your name little cutie?" The green one asked, Takemichi shyly smiled "my name is's not very pretty though" he looked down at hes hands before the other target, yellow eyes man grabbed him and pulled him into hes lap "don't worry, we think it's pretty and we think your pretty too" he spoke while gently grabbing Takemichi's chin and tilting it up to face him. He slowly put hes hands on the targets chest "well...maybe I could repay you both for your kindness" he smiled.

"Oh is that so" the green asked "mhm, haha sorry boys, I maybe shy but Im sure can take you both without a problem" he smirked clearly peaking the two targets attention "maybe you could prove me wrong" and without a second later the black hair target stood up with Takemichi in hes arms and left the massive hall followed by the green one, the brothers saw and followed close behind while not being noticed. They lost them during the winding halls, they stopped "dam it, where is Takemichi, we can't leave him alone with them" they were about to head back when they heard a scream and darted down the halls to a room before smashing the door open.

Takemichi was on the floor under the window holding hes arm witch was bleeding while a broken vase was next to him while both targets yell "YOU STUPID BITCH, YOU WANTED TO DO THIS THEN BACK OUT LAST MINUTE" the black hair yelled "NOT ONLY THAT YOU SAY YOUR TAKEN, YOU SLUT" he green yelled after. The brother froze, and just reacted "hey assholes" they said before pulling their guns out and pointing them at the targets, they both look at them and eyes widen "Ran, Rindou what are you doing here?" They asked "you know why, you can't betray the boss without getting kill and second" Ran said "dont touch our brother" Rindou finished before they both shot the targets, their body's dropped to the ground lifeless before darting towards the shaking blonde.

They tried to calm him down like Sanzu did but nothing worked but it was worse cause off the massive cut on hes arm too. Takemichi eventually blacked out cause off it scaring the boys "on god....Sanzu is not going to be happy" "no Ran, Boss ain't gonna be happy....he warned us not to let him get hurt" Rindou spoke.

Both boys picked him up and went home, waiting for their death.

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