Part 5

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After a few hours Takemichi started to move a little in Sanzu's lap, he was sitting on the edge off the bed while still holding Takemichi close to hes chest. He looked down to see the blonde boys eyes slowly flutter open to reveal beautiful sky blue 'you could rival an Angel my love' Sanzu thought before feeling eyes on him so he looked down to see Takemichi staring wide eyed at him, he was frozen seeing how the boy looked scared off him and before he could do anything Takemichi basically jumped off him and backed away. Sanzu stood up and gently raised hes hands but not too high "hey hey, it's one is here, it's just us ok"

He spoke softly so Takemichi would not be too scared off him even more, slowly Takemichi calmed down and let Sanzu walk over to him "ok that's good, good job...ok I'm just gonna gently touch you ok, don't worry it's just me" he spoke and got a small nod from the blonde so Sanzu gently took he's arms and lifted the sleeves before looking at the cuts "it seems we need to clean them but other then that they don't look infected" he said before looking at the boy "why....why are you helping me?" Takemichi asked before slowly pulling hes arms away, Sanzu took in a breath before putting hes hands on Takemichi's face making the boys face confused. "Your beauty never ever scared me" Takemichi's eyes go wide while he remembered saying it to Sanzu, he was in pain but wanted to help him back then "you are my fiancé.....and I regret not helping you like you did me so I'm going to try my best know"

There was silence before Takemichi slowly smiled and leaned into Sanzu's touch "haha I thought you forgot". He then sorted out Takemichi's cuts and just hanged with him all day getting to know the man he is going to marry until someone knocked on the door making them both look at it confused "uh....c-come in" Takemichi stuttered out before the door opened the reveal Mikey, he walked in and over to the two men before staring at them just to make them uncomfortable before speaking "Takemichi...I'm happy your ok" still no emotion but Takemichi's face went from confused to anger really quickly "excuse me, your happy I'm ok, are you fucking kidding me" he stood up and walked closer to the slightly taller man while Sanzu watched.

"Yes I a- don't bullshit me, your the one who wanted me go down a few pegs, this is your fault and I will forever hate you for this" "well...seems you have your attention back, good cause I have a job for you" Takemichi laughed before turning to walk away but was grabbed by the arm and yelled in pain "you can't say no Takemichi, you don't have a choice" he tightened he's grip well that was before Sanzu stood up and walked over "my king" Takemichi's eyes widen and the words hes fiancé just said "my king, your hurting him, I just cleaned hes cuts and they are gonna hurt" he said, then after not long Mikey let go before leaving.

Sanzu looked at Takemichi and went to touch him but he's hand was smacked away "uh Takemi- don' don't want to upset your king" he cut him off while saying king slightly different from the rest, he clearly caught on cause he smirked "wait don't, don't tell me your jealous" he said while circling Takemichi, while on the other hand Takemichi's face went red "w-what no, why would I.......I'm just your fiancé, there ain't any feelings there" then their was silence, Takemichi didn't believe those words he just said, he slowly started to like Sanzu well he like him since he was a kid while Sanzu only started to like Takemichi. He was the only one to tell him he didn't scare him and was beautiful, he let he's guard down around Sanzu and that made him happy.

Sanzu was about to say something when the door slammed open making Takemichi jump, standing at the door was the brothers with a smile but also bandages cause of him.

"Haha come little mouse, we have work" they said together while making the soon married couple shiver.

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