Part 6

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Takemichi didn't move, it was a while before he did but he didn't head towards the brothers instead he slowly moved behind Sanzu and gently held he's sleeve. Sanzu noticed and saw it as a anxiety thing so he went into protective mode by slowly stepping further infront of Takemichi to block him completely from the brothers. "I'm sorry but what do you two fucks want with him, what is he's job?" He asked while the others slightly laughed, ran walked over "well if you must know boss wants him to come with us, we have a few people to take care off and he's a good fighter so he's coming with us" "haha yeah flamingo, so hand him over" Rindou continued while Sanzu snarled.

Takemichi's grip tightened at when Rindou said, he didn't want to be handed over like some thing, an object and that didn't go unnoticed by Sanzu "hand him over really, he's not a thing and your hair is just like mine bastard just purple and black fucking idiot" he stepped away from Takemichi for only a split second but that was enough time for Ran to sneak in and grab Takemichi, he's eyes widen at the sudden grab "AHHHHHHH LET GO" he yelled witch caught Sanzu's, he swung round to see Takemichi behind held by Ran. "HEY LET HIM GO YOU BA- " he tried to yell before Ran was suddenly thrown across the room and landing with a giant thud before he let got a gasp.

Sanzu stood there shocked but proud while Rindou looked angry "HEY ASSHOLE DONT THROW ME BROTHER, ONLY I CAN DO THAT" he yelled before charging at Takemichi and going for a punch, he got ready to block but something happened. As he saw Rindou coming but he turned into hes dad, it was like he was a kid again. Without knowing he started crying and fell to hes knees inches before getting punched, this action surprised Rindou while Ran was just getting up, Sanzu saw and rushed over, pushing Rindou out the way but didn't dear to touch Takemichi. He started shaking while constantly saying sorry, he's vision was blurry and he couldn't hear. He was scared. "Hey what the fuck man, why did you push m- SHUT UP, CANT YOU SEE HES HAVING A PANIC ATTACK"

Ran walked over while holding hes side, he put a hand on hes brother shoulder "uh R-Ran I didn' wasn't, I didn't mean too cause this" Ran nodded and looked over at Sanzu while Rindou did the same. "Hey hey, it's ok....your safe, Takemichi listen to my voice" Sanzu tried but clearly nothing was working and Takemichi wasn't calming down "Takemichi I'm sorry" he spoke before grabbing the younger boy and pulling him into a hug, Takemichi's eyes widened and he tried to fight but he wasn't strong enough "shhhh hey it's me, your safe don't's me" Takemichi slowly calmed down knowing he was in he's fiancés arms, Sanzu looked at the brothers "hey, how did yo- don't. Speak. He's like this cause off you and you don't need to know our relationship so don't say a word to anyone" he spoke and they both nodded, they both needed to say sorry to the boy anyway.

After a while Takemichi slowly let go of Sanzu to look at the brothers, they looked at the small boys red, puffy eyes and felt guilty. Takemichi stood up with Sanzu not far behind "listen here assholes, I may have ptsd and anxiety cause off it but I won't go down without a fight so if you try something on this mission I won't hesitate to fight you" the brothers went silent while Sanzu looked proud "so we have a deal" he crossed hes arms pulling the brothers back to reality "yeah, seems fair little mouse know let's go before boss kills us both" Ran said before leaving while Rindou waited for the short blonde. Takemichi walked towards him before being yanked back into a hug before "if they try anything cut them down where they stand or tell me when you get back......I won't let another person hurt you" he whispered into hes ear before getting a nod.

Rindou watched this scene unfold 'this is not Sanzu, this boy did something or there is something going on, I'll need to inform boss"

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