Part 3

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The quite and none movement clearly angered this man, he turned to Sanzu and hit him "WHAT DID I SAY, TAKE HIM DOWN A FEW" he yelled, Takemichi's eyes widened and for some reason he charged at the man, jumped on him and started punching him none stop. This shocked everyone even the white haired man, he tried to fight back until Takemichi was lifted off him by someone, he didn't care who it was he needed to punch this man "DONT TOUCH ME, LET ME GO, I NEED TO TEACH HIM A LESSON" Takemichi yelled while trying to break free. Another white haired man ran over and helped hes boss to make sure he is ok. I assume he was cause he walked over to me while wiping hes face from the blood.

"You dare punch me, how dare you" "I PUNCH WHO I NEED TO PUNCH AND YOU NEEDED IT ASSHOLE" "oh and why is that?" He spoke while the grip on me loosens, I take a breath "that's for me to know and you to never find out, I done what was needed" I spoke clearly, no emotion just like him and that clearly took he's guys by surprise. It was quite and we were having a staring contest until he spoke "take him, he seems like fun, Sanzu meet your new play toy" he walked over and shot the rest off Takemichi's co-workers. Before he could do anything Takemichi was smacked over the head and knocked out.

The brothers walked over "dam, he clearly knows what he is doing, first Rindous arm then my head" Ran said "it's clear he trained himself cause I have never seen anyone do that" Rindou said before Kaku butted in "the question I have is, why did he freak out when boss hit Sanzu?" And with that everyone darted a look at Sanzu, he looked away before picking hes secret fiancé up and going to the car. After a while they arrive at their base, everyone goes their own ways but Sanzu was instructed to take this little mouse to hes little torture room and tie him up.

He did it, grabbed a chain hanging from the ceiling and ties both Takemichi's arms above hes head and let he's body hang on the floor, he stayed quite before squatting down and gently running he's thumb over the boys cheek while a memory came up.


The boy looked at the raven head before he's eyes widened at what the boy did. Takemichi gently put hes hands on the boys face while he's thumbs rested on the diamond scares before smiling "your beauty never ever scared me" he spoke so sincerely witch took the boy by surprise. "Wait no, your lying, I scare everyone o- no....I have seen worse and these scares are beautiful and I mean it" Takemichi spoke before gently leaning in a hugging the boy "trust could never scare me" with those words Sanzu finally hugged back, hoping and praying this boy, this Angel will never leave him. Takemichi was in pain from the hug but didn't want he's new friend to know.

End of flashback

He quickly took he's hand away, this was not the same little boy anymore, he was the little boy that left him alone "I'm sorry...we might have to get married but there is no love, expect the worst" he said before leaving Takemichi alone and going to the so called meeting. He got there only to see he was the last, Ran and Rindou laughed at him before the meeting started. "So what have we got on this boy?" Mikey asked before Koko stood up to speak "ok he's name is Takemichi Hanagaki, he was born on {insert date} and he has 2 parents, mothers name is Lucy Hanagaki, she left when he was 3 cause of her husband and Takemichi's father, she also gave us a statement as well she said "I loved Takemichi but over time due to her father she grew to hate him, I told him something I will never forget and I regret saying - I hate your father, more then anything but I hate you more then life, I regret having you" so from the looks off it he never grew up with a mother figure" he took a breath and no one said a word.

"He's father, Hakuro Hanagaki, he had to take care of Takemichi when he's mother left, he never wanted Takemichi, he never wanted kids let alone a clone of hes ex wife. After he's wife left he began drinking but he was a smart drunk, he would abuse Takemichi but only where he thought people would not see, he would barely feed Takemichi too. It says by the time he was 7" at that moment Sanzu thought back to when he met Takemichi, he said he turned 7 not long before they met. Koko continued "he became numb to the pain, he also taught himself how to take care of not only him but he's dad as well, he got multiple jobs through hes teens years before taking a job at our bar" he finished before sitting down. The room was silent.

After a while Mikey broke the silence "so, he has been through a lot huh but I wanna see him not show emotion, Sanzu this is your time" and just like that they all went to the room Takemichi was being held, they walked in and stared at the know awake blonde boy, he didn't look dazed. "Sanzu show me what you can do" Mikey said while he sat down. He walked over before Takemichi smiled "hey, are you o-" he could not finish hes sentence before he was kicked in the belly taking all the air out of him.

Takemichi pov:

Sanzu walked over to me and I smiled "hey, are you o-" I could not finish my sentence before I was kicked in my belly taking the wind out of me and after that my smile fell before another strike happened. One after another but with different weapons and I still didn't change my non emotional face, this clearly amused the others. After what seemed like hours I blacked out.

No one pov:

Takemichi finally black out, Sanzu stopped "boss, he's blacked out" "hmm let him down, we ain't gonna kill him, I like this one so sort out he's wounds" this send a weird feeling through Sanzu but for some reason he didn't like Mikey saying that about hes fiancé. "Kaku, hes your problem know" Kaku walked over and let Takemichi down before picking him up bridle style and leaving the room. "So Sanzu, why was you going easy on that boy?" Mikey asked turning hes attention back to hes right hand man, he froze "uh my king I- I um" "Sanzu, I have work for you, you seem to like him so I want you to do something for him, plan —————— for him" Sanzu's eyes widened but he noded anyway.

Days past and Mikey would order Sanzu to hurt Takemichi hoping for some reaction but still nothing, he ordered Koko to get any info on him to use against him, he ordered the brothers to beat some sense into Takemichi's father while Kaku would stay with Takemichi whenever Sanzu was not with him. Takemichi got used to this daily thing, he got close to Kaku while he slowly started to be scared of Sanzu. One day the daily thing he was used too stopped, when it was time for Sanzu to torture him he didn't show until an hour later but it was not only him.

Takemichi's eyes widen at the sight off hes father and a couple off hes friends walking through the door with Sanzu "surprise, they will be staying with you for a while" he spoke before heading to the door, he opened it but felt something heavy on the back of hes coat. He turned to see Takemichi holding it, he wanted to hug him, wanted to protect him but he's king told him no so he pulled away before leaving, closing and locking the door. Screams were heard for hours on hours before it went quite and a knock on the door was heard.

Sanzu opened the door while the father and he's friends left smiling and laughing, he peeped inside only to find Takemichi crying on the bed covered in blood, bruises, cuts and a white liquid. Sanzu's eyes widened when he realised they raped him so he rushed over to try and comfort him but when Takemichi saw him he cried more and tried to move away while screaming "IM SORRY PLEASE, PLEASE DONT I PROMISE ILL BE GOOD" this broke Sanzu and he stopped, he can't believe he did this to hes own fiancé. He left the room to tell Mikey it worked and he's boss was so happy he ran to see it for himself. Sanzu followed and saw Mikey's face, he was happy but also sad 'is he happy about this or sad, is this what he wanted or not' he thought, they left Takemichi for the rest off the night hoping he will be ok tomorrow.

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