Part 10

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With Takemichi

He was walking back to base after a mission when he was suddenly grabbed and pulled into an ally, hes mouth covered. He tried to fight back and break free but he's capturer held he's mouth tighter and pulled him close to hes chest and whispered "you got away from me once puppy but don't worry I won't let that happen, not even with your fiancé" he's eyes widen "MMMMMMM" he tried to yell before the mystery guy spoke again "don't worry I won't hurt you, your safe so why don't you sleep" and like he's word was a trigger Takemichi fell into the darkness, body going limp in the man's arms. "That's right, good boy" he spoke before gently holding the sleeping blonde in bridle style before walking back to hes base.

He walked in and put him on the bed before wrapping a rope around he's wrists so he can't right back. He carried on the day like he didn't just kidnap a complete human person but after a few hours he heard the bed move and walked back over, Takemichi was slowly waking up "oh hello puppy, seems your finally awake" he spoke catching Takemichi's attention, he looked over at the person standing over him and he's eyes widen "you...YOU BASTARD, GET AWAY FROM ME" he kicked and yelled but to no avail. The man just stood there with a smirk plastered on hes face "ohhhh is that how you treat me, an old friend" "your no old friend....your a stalker and always will be, Hanma"

It was a few hours before Hanma came back to check up on hes little puppy "oh your still awake good cause I need your raw reaction" and with those words he bent down and started undoing Takemichi's top, he's eyes widen " let go, stop" he said but it was like no words hit this man's ears cause he never stopped, tears pricked Takemichi's eyes and threaten to fall but he wasn't going too, well that's what he thought. "Hmm not the reaction I was hoping maybe this will work" he started undoing hes pants and it was like a trigger, floods off tears came out hes ocean blue eyes and Hanma loved it.

He pulled out a camera and took a picture "that's what I was hoping for, this will be a good picture for that fiancé off yours huh" "NO, DONT SEND IT TO HIM, LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS PLEASE" Takemichi pleaded with this man but no luck "mmm sorry hun but I think I will and this note too hahah I'm sure it will wind Sanzu up for sure" he walked out the room leaving a crying Takemichi.

Hanma watched the meeting and he's plan worked, Sanzu was worked up but he won't give Takemichi up so easily.

It has been weeks, months, who knows. Everyone has lost count of how long they have been trying to find Takemichi, everyone was upset but not as much as Sanzu, he went so far down hill he would snap at anyone even Mikey, he would threaten anyone who even dared to say a word that sounded like Takemichi's name. This worried everyone, they all thought the boy they made a bond with over a short time was dead but one day it all changed, a spy for Mikey suddenly barged into the meeting room out off breath like he has been running "boss I'm so sorry to interrupt but I have news" "news, I'm sure this can wait, it can't be that impo- I found Takemichi" he cut hes boss off making everyone's eyes widen at the sentence he just spoke.

"WHERE AND WHERE?" Hes boss yelled while standing with all the executives "right, he was in the town square near the fountain maybe like 10 minutes ago" with that everyone ran past him like it was for their lives, they got in the cars and raced to the town before getting out and running. They got there and clearly people were scared but they didn't care, they scanned the area but didn't see their bright blonde Angel well that was until a group off people that they spotted him, there he was standing right infront off them, in the flesh and alive but it was who he was with "Hanma" they all spoke in a dark voice "so he was the one who took my fiancé" Sanzu said but froze.

Takemichi was smiling and holding a bear, Hanma goes in for a kiss but Takemichi blocks it was the bear.

That was the last straw before the group charged over and stopped right next to them, Takemichi noticed and looked at them "yes, can we help you?" He asked while Hanma looked at them and smirked "Takemichi

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That was the last straw before the group charged over and stopped right next to them, Takemichi noticed and looked at them "yes, can we help you?" He asked while Hanma looked at them and smirked " don't remember us?" Kaku asked while Takemichi thought about it before smiling "of course, your Kaku, that is Mikey, Koko oh haha can't forget Ran and Rindou and that's-" he went quite when he layed eyes on Sanzu "t-that's....." a single tear fell from hes eye and everyone looked worried before Hanma put an arm around Takemichi "it's ok babe, you can say it" he took a breath "that's ex abusive boyfriend" everyone's eyes widen and they freeze "what..." was all Sanzu could muster "YOU BASTARD WHT DID YOU DO TO MY FIANCÉ" he yelled before he attacked Hanma, Takemichi's eyes widen before he was grabbed by the brothers and put to sleep.

"Sanzu enough, we have him leave Hanma" Mikey spoke before he stopped and looked at the sleeping boy "what has he done to you" 'we are sorry we were not fast enough Takemichi' they all thought before heading back.

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