Chapter 18

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" Paro, come come! " 

Adi's mom welcomed her, giving her a warm smile. Paro smiled in return and took a seat beside Bidisha.

" Is any serious discussion going on? I mean all of you sitting together." She asked curiously.

" No "/ " Yes".

Bidisha and her aunt both ended up saying it at the same time. Paro looked suspiciously at both of them.

Soon Shefali, her aunt, realized they can't let her know about this. It was supposed to be a surprise. Smiling awkwardly at Paro she mumbled _

" We were just talking about you. I mean it's already 9.30 pm but you still didn't come so I was just concerned. I was about to call you ". 

She looked at Paro expecting her to buy her excuses. She felt bad for her. The girl hardly goes out. She told her that after coaching she would go to dinner with her friends. She was happy that Paro was finally opening up to people again and making friends. 

But in the rush that was the only lie she could come up with. Shefali made it in mind that next week after her birthday she will make sure to tell her about this. That she wasn't trying to be a nosy aunt.

On the other side, Paro felt guilty listening to her. Though she told her in the morning, she should have called her aunt once at least. It's late already and she must have been worried.

" Sorry, aunty. I should have called you. We got stuck in traffic. But my friends came to drop me off. " She assured her.

" No no. Don't be sorry. I am happy that you went out. I was just a little bit worried." 

She affectionately caressed her head, gently smiling at her.

Adi who was listening to them with full concentration frowned hearing the word 'friends'. 

How many friends does she have?

 He thought she had only one friend. Isha or Ishita whatever her name was.

Did she come to drop her off at this time? Or was it someone else? Could it be any boy?

As soon as he thought of the possibility his mood went sour.

He was seeing her after almost one month. This is definitely not the way he wanted their meeting to be.

' Why do you care by the way? Aren't you overreacting?' his subconscious mind mocked him.

' Shut up! Why would I care? I was just wondering. That's it ' .

He tried to put some sense into his own mind.

Suddenly Adi saw Sameer looking at him amused.

" What?" Adi asked, irritated.

" Are you ok?" Sameer was still amused.

" What do you mean?" Adi hissed at him.

" Then why are you talking to yourself?" He chuckled.

'Shit! Did I say it out loud?' Adi cursed himself.

" I am just tired." He rolled his eyes.

Adi was feeling tired, irritated, and frustrated. He wanted to talk to her alone. Probably some teasing from his side and her angry quirky reply in return. 

Or he would just try to behave like a well mannered man as she already told him how she didn't like to be touched. Rubbish! 

Typical small town girls and their stupid values! He mentally rolled his eyes.

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