Paro stirred as a loud sound disturbed her sleep. The sunlight already lightened up the room, invading the curtains of the glass windows. She squinted her eyes and placed her hands in the front to protect her eyes from the sharp sunlight.
' Oh! It's morning already!
But where was the noise coming from?'
Turning to the other side to find the source she saw her cell phone, kept on the table.
' Oh, Shit! It's my phone.'
Paro picked up the phone hurriedly.
' Hello.' She received the call.
" Well Good morning to you too princess. Rise and shine.' Ishita said dramatically.
Paro smiled, listening to her.
" Have you checked your inbox? We don't have classes today. So what's your plan today?" Ishita asked, excited.
" No, I haven't yet. What happened suddenly?" Paro asked, frowning.
" I don't know. There are some unavoidable reasons. That's what they said. We got only one holiday. Be happy, girl." Ishita complained.
" Umm yeah you are right. I don't really have any plans. Aunty was asking me if I can go to the NGO with them but I denied it. But now I think I will accompany her then".
Paro answered.
" Ok, enjoy yourself. I will sleep throughout the whole day." Ishita said in a satisfied voice.
After their conversation, Paro slowly stood up from the bed and went to freshen up.
" Aunty, I am ready."
Paro shouted entering the living room.
" Hey! What are you doing here? Don't you have classes? Did you have your lunch?"
Aryan bombarded her with questions as he saw her standing there, all dressed up.
" No, I don't have classes today. I am accompanying aunty. We will have our lunch there ". Paro said in a duh tone, flipping her hair back.
" Ohhh, look at you. All dressed up. Ethnic wear huh? Where are you going? Wedding or something?"
Aryan started laughing like a maniac as if he cracked the most sarcastic joke in the universe.
Her mouth made an ' O ' shape before gazing sharply at him.
" Hahaha, very funny! Shut up you brat." Paro snapped at him.
She took a look at her long flared green skirt and white ruffle top. With a multi-colored scarf and big earrings, she had completed her looks. She felt great the way she dressed.
' Am I overdressed? Should I wear something else?' Paro asked herself unsure.
" Don't listen to him, Paro. You are looking gorgeous. He has no idea about girls' dress." Shefali said while coming out of the bedroom. She had already listened to Aryan's teasing.
" Thank you, aunty. You are the best." Paro smiled at her brightly.
" Oh yes girl. You are looking beautiful. You have grown up so much. It feels like yesterday when you were just a kid." Aryan stated, pretending to be emotional.
She rolled her eyes hearing him.
" You are literally 5 months older than me. What the hell are you talking about?" Paro frowned at him.
" Whatever. I will be there in the evening. I am going to meet my friends now." Aryan declared.
" Who asked?" Paro snickered.

Will Die In Love
Romance"Look what I have become in your love! Every time you are around me it makes me go crazy ! I can't even think of a future that you won't be a part of. You will be MINE PARO MINE !!! by hook or by crook." __ ADITYA RAJ MALHOTRA. " In your dreams Mr.M...