At the wammys

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Shortly after, door opened.
"Hello how can I help you?" I assume the maid said.
"Hello I'm looking for uh, Mello, I mean- Mihael Kreel?
"Can i ask you for your name?"
"Oh- y/n. Y/n l/n, I'm his childhood friend, from *orphanage name* orphanage in USA"
"How did you get in Uk dear?"
"Planes were invented long time ago" you whispered not loud enough for maid to hear
"Uh I mean, I got here with orphanage worker - Jane"
"Oh okay, is she here with you?"
"Why not?"
"Well she is asleep, so uh, I got here by myself, form our hotel"
"Oh dear you should've waited for her, it's dangerous for you to go by yourself!
Anyways I'll go get Mello"
Damn yeah she would've be mad,if she existed, I got here to UK by myself...

Mello's POV but 2. pov
"Mello you've got a visitor!" Ms. Annie said.
A visitor? Huh? I'm not allowed to be adopted since I'm L's successor, and I don't know anyone form the outside world.... I'm very confused.
I quickly looked at Matt who was already looking at me, with a confused look, Which I had too.
Walking downstairs, still curious who is it OH what if it's L!? Oh Lord!
Looking at the door,
I saw a girl...
She seemed familiar...
Very familiar....
But for some reason...
I couldn't remember who was she?

I'll do anything to find you. (Mello x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now