Ahhh... Jams? What are you doin?

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*in class*

Jams and I: *working on report*
Me: *quietly working*
Jams: *starts scratching my back*
Me: *freezes*
Jams: *freezes*
Me: *yells kinda quietly* WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!
Jams: I don't know! I was going to scratch my back, and you were sitting by me and...... *explains awkwardly*
Me: *scoots away*
•••• time skip••••

Jams: *reaches over* I am going to poke your shoulder!
Me:*moves even farther away* no
Jams: *moves closer* yeeees
My friend: *Walks up* wut? *sees my face, walks away*
Me: wow
Jams: *pokes shoulder*
Me: *smirks* You didn't touch my shoulder, you touched my shirt!
Jams: *trys to stick finger up my sleeve.*
Jams: *leaves me alone for a little*
•••• time skip by soap••••
Jams: *tries once again*
Me: *puts hand over sleeve*
Jams: awwww
•••• yep, again••••
Jams: please take your hand off! It makes me feel bad!
Me: *does not move hand*
Jams: no! Please!
Me: *moves hand*
Jams: *trys again*
Me: NO *moves hand back and keeps it there*
Jams: nooo

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