At school. Lunch. Jams has already had 1 plate of heaping food.
Jams: If I eat all of this, will you give me $20?
Me: *shakes head*
Jams: *turns to Autumn* Will you?
Autumn: yes
Jams: Alright! *starts to eat food*
•• time skip ••Me: Jams! Do NOT eat all of that food! You will die! Or explode!
Jams: I want $20!
Me: *continues to urge him to not eat whole plate of food*
Jams: *panting* Fan me!
Autumn: *fans him* Wait, this helps him. *stops*
Jams: Do you want me to die?
Autumn: .......
Me: *pulls Jams' friend over* Kobe! Tell him not to eat all of that!
Kobe: Jams! Eat it all!
Me: Noooo! Don't!
Jams: *continues to eat*
Me: *brings another friend* Tell him to stop!
Teacher: She is not supposed to be here. Move along! *waves friend away*
Me: *aghast*
•• time skip ••Jams: I'm done!
Autumn: I don't have money! I'm broke!
Jams: Get money then!
Me: Jams I will give you $10
Jams: ok. Cause I didn't do that for no money.
Me: *rolls eyes*All this time, Jams' Girlfriend is just sitting there. .1. so great