A/N I will be introducing a new character. Her name is Autumn Dean, also known as SpiderGal31. ENJOY!!
Autumn: *holding container from Malaysia, presenting to class* I think this was used to hold scrolls.
Some stupid classmate (sorry): Used to hold squirrels?!
Autumn: *blushing* No! Scrolls! *starts to mumble*
•••• time skip ••••
-- about 5 mins later --My group for project: hahaha Squirrel in a jar!
Me: *writes 'squirrel' on piece of paper. stuffs in jar thing* There! Squirrel in a jar!
Autumn: lol
We wrote a small story about Jonny and his dad, Papa.
Story:Papa: Here Jonny put this squirrel in there.
Jonny: ok Dad. *tries to shove squirrel in jar* Dad! It won't fit!
Papa: try harder Jonny!!
Jonny: ok I will
----- 111 years later -----John Port: WHY IS THERE A SQUIRREL IN HERE?!
Jonny's Ghost: yassss I finally put it in there.....