Chapter 41 - Should've Learned

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*Author's Notes: At long last, I'm back with a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge' and it's yet another emotional one. Haven't they all been lately? ;)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my readers, followers, and friends. I appreciate you all very, very much. I truly hope you enjoy this installment.



Chapter 41 – Should've Learned

Head rested on one hand, Leo used his other hand to poke at the sad remains of his breakfast with a fork. His appetite was not as hearty as he had initially thought when his baby brother had loaded his plate with the once steaming-hot pile of scrambled eggs. Of course, Leonardo's sudden loss of appetite may have had something to do with the guilt now gnawing away at pit of his stomach.

He could hear from the kitchen that his decision to leave Raph and Donnie alone to talk was not going well. Their voices were growing louder by the second and they didn't sound the least bit pleasant.

Michelangelo was squirming on his seat as he not so subtly tried to listen in on the conversation. All he had been able to actually make out thus far were the words, "NO! YOU DON'T KNOW!" Mikey wasn't sure what exactly Raph didn't know, but the youngest turtle was one hundred percent sure that Donnie wasn't happy about whatever it was.

"Um, maybe we should go in there." Never real big on patience, Mikey pushed his empty plate aside so he could nervously drum his fingers on the countertop of the kitchen island he was seated at.

As annoying as his youngest child's drumming was, Master Splinter didn't even bat an eye as he spoke in the calmest of tones. "No, Michelangelo. We should not interfere. Your brothers need time to talk things through."

"GO ON!" Were the next decipherable words that came bellowing out of Donatello's bedroom and they made Mikey grimace. Although he didn't want to argue with his father, the turtle in orange couldn't help but notice that the conversation was still increasing in volume.


"Yeah, uh, it doesn't really sound like they're doing a lot of talking. Mostly just growling and yelling."

"Patience, my son. We must let them work through their differences or they are – " Before Master Splinter was able to finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a thunderous roar from his normally quiet son.


Followed by another even louder thunderous roar...


And another one...


Both Leonardo and Michelangelo looked to their father with wide eyes, apparently awaiting his next instructions. It was Master Splinter's turn to grimace as he pushed himself up off his stool. "My mistake. Perhaps this would be a good time to interfere."

Leo and Mikey nodded in agreement and the three occupants of the kitchen sprinted towards Donatello's room just in time to see Raphael sprint across the hall to his own room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Leonardo, will you please check on Raphael while Michelangelo and I check on Donatello?"

"Hai, Sensei." Despite the fact that Leonardo felt as though he had just gotten the short end of the stick, he approached his hotheaded brother's bedroom without a moment's hesitation. That's only because the leader in blue didn't want his father to see his confidence falter.

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