Chapter 47 - The Plan

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: I've returned with a new installment of 'Slash's Revenge' and this one is rather emotional. Consider yourself warned. ;)

A ginormous thank you to each and every one of my readers. I appreciate all of you so very much. There are seriously no words to properly express my gratitude.

I sure hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thanks so much for reading, everyone.



Chapter 47 – The Plan

For several agonizing seconds, all Raphael could do was stand there and stare at the now blank screen of his T-phone, much like Leonardo had done the first time Donnie had been taken away from them. Raphael suddenly felt newfound sympathy for what Leo had experienced that night after Slash had hung up on him. Again, much like Leonardo, the hotheaded turtle was also finding it difficult to put what had just happened into words. Especially with Mikey and April both staring at him with big, teary, blue eyes.

It was enough to render anyone temporarily speechless...

"What'd he say, Raph?" Leonardo's voice was insistent, verging on whiny. It sort of had a fingernails on a chalkboard effect, which conveniently snapped Raphael out of his momentary trance.

For once, the ninja in red was grateful for his big brother being annoying.

"He said he wants me to meet him in the south tunnels at midnight, alone."

Upon hearing this, April cupped her hands over her mouth to muffle a stunned gasp that slipped out.

If Mikey's overly wide eyes were any indication, he was just as shocked by the announcement as April was.

Having gotten the general gist of the conversation between Slash and Raphael, Master Splinter and Leonardo didn't appear to be the least bit surprised by what Raphael had just said. If anything, they looked angry. It was ultimately Leonardo who spoke first, letting his extremely stubborn side come shining through.

"Uh-uh. Not a chance. I'm coming with you."

Of course, once Leo declared that he was going with, Mikey immediately jumped on the bandwagon. "Me, too, bro!"

Raph shook his head from side to side, stubbornly refusing his brothers' offers, but for good reason. "No! You can't come with me. He said he would hurt Donnie if any of you came along."

Though Mikey couldn't bear the thought of Slash injuring Donnie again, he also couldn't bear the thought of his hotheaded brother going after Slash alone. That monster had pretty much mopped the floor with Raph the last time they had fought. If not for Raph's quick reflexes and that pressure point technique –

Well, Mikey did want to think about what might have happened...

And he certainly didn't want to think about what might happen if Slash got another chance at taking down Raph.

There was no way in heck the orange-clad turtle was going to let his big brother go out there without any reinforcements.

That would be just plain crazy.

"Then, we'll stick to the shadows, bro. We're ninjas. He'll never even know we're there." In a Raphael-type move, Mikey punched a fist into the palm of his hand to stress his point.

Again, Raph stubbornly shook his head as his face fell into a sorrowful frown. He understood where his baby brother was coming from. He truly did. If Slash had called out one of his brothers, Raph would have insisted on going with as well. But, as it was, the turtle in red couldn't jeopardize Donatello's safety. The stakes were just too high. "No, Mikey. I can't risk him hurting Donnie. I have to do this alone."

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