Chapter 16 - Look What the Rat Dragged In

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*Author's Notes: I'm back with a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge' and it's a super intense one.

Okay, I know some of you are chomping at the bit to find out what's going to happen next, so let's just jump right into the chapter, shall we?

Thanks so much for reading, everyone! ()



Chapter 16 – Look What the Rat Dragged In

"Where is my son?"

The ominous growl poisoning the giant rat's tone sent a shudder up and down Slash's spine. The massive turtle could see the furious glint in the Ninjutsu master's close-set eyes as he awaited an answer to his question. But before Slash could even think to respond, there was something pressing against his neck, making voluntary movement an impossibility.

"Leonardo! Raphael! Michelangelo!"

Slash could only stare slack-jawed at the mutant paralyzing him while the names of the three turtles the rodent had called out for echoed through the night air. Before long, the sound of the brothers approaching could be heard, and thanks to their father, the largest turtle couldn't do a darn thing about it, other than maybe drool a little.

"Sensei?!" Though all three brothers had simultaneously cried out the word, the youngest turtle's voice carried the loudest, as usual.

"Over here, my sons!"

A wave of panic washed over Slash. The immobilized mutant was totally defenseless when he heard the thunderous roar to his right.


Muscles still seized up, Slash wasn't able to block the incoming blow from the turtle in red. The bigger mutant suddenly felt himself flattened out on the rooftop as a pair of fists pistoned into him without mercy.

Never in all his life had the red-masked ninja felt so much raw rage consume him.

"Raphael! Calm yourself!"

The order from his father did nothing to dissuade the hotheaded turtle's fury. He continued driving his knuckles into his former pet with bone-breaking force, wanting desperately to make Slash feel the pain that he had.


If not for Michelangelo and Leonardo peeling him off, Raphael would've pounded the largest mutant into nothing more than dust. Even as his brothers dragged him backwards, the red-masked turtle continued to throw punches into the air. Both Leo and Mikey did their best stay out of harm's way, but it wasn't easy. Raphael was like a wild animal, kicking and writhing in a frenzied attempt to break free.


As Raph continued to thrash about in Leo and Mikey's grip, Slash pushed himself partially up off the rooftop surface and leered at the turtle in red. The smirk splayed on the largest mutant's face just about sent Raphael over the edge and his brothers could barely hold him back.


The threat made Slash's smirk start to grow.

"Are you sure you wanna do that, Raphael? I mean, I am the only one who knows where Donatello is. If you do anything to me, your brother will die."

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