Chapter 34 - Conflict

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*Author's Notes: At long last, I've returned with a new installment of 'Slash's Revenge.' It's a little shorter than normal, but there's still lots of drama. Sorry about the long wait on this one, but summer activities kind of got in the way. Fear not. I can assure you I haven't lost focus on this story.

Great big hugs and thanks to everyone still reading this story and to those of you who are just joining us. I'm so glad readers are still with me this far in. I truly hope you all continue to enjoy the future chapters. There are still plenty more to come. Thanks for reading, everyone.



Chapter 34 – Conflict

Two of the longest hours in history had passed since Master Splinter had escorted a very shaken Donatello back to his room. April and Michelangelo had waited outside of Donnie's bedroom door for nearly an hour before exhaustion overtook them and forced them to head to their own rooms to try to get a little sleep. Though equally exhausted, Leonardo and Raphael had opted to wait on the couch for their father to come out. Both of the eldest turtles just sat there, staring blankly ahead, bloodshot eyes at half-mast. It was obvious they, too, were having a tough time staying awake, but their guilt somehow kept them going.

Another fifteen minutes crept by before Master Splinter finally made his way down the hall into the pit of the lair where Leonardo and Raphael were practically draped on the couch. However, the moment they saw their father approach, they both adopted a bolt upright sitting position to better convey their interest.

Raphael was the first to ask the question on the tips of both turtles' tongues. "How is he, Sensei?"

"He is resting."

A part of Leonardo was tempted to ask his father if he had had to once again resort to using pressure points to get Donatello to 'rest,' but the leader soon thought better of it when he saw the strangely vacant expression on the Ninjutsu master's face.

Then, without warning, Splinter plopped down onto the couch with far less grace than the boys were accustomed to seeing from their father. It was as though he didn't have any energy left to hold himself up. Leonardo could certainly relate.

"Are you okay, Sensei?"

After a brief pause for thought, Master Splinter spoke in a somewhat clipped tone. "I would not choose the word 'okay' to describe my current state."

"No, I suppose not." Leonardo did not need his father to come right out and say that he was disappointed in his two oldest sons' behavior. The blue-clad turtle could hear it in his father's voice and see it in his eyes. This made Leonardo's heart sink.

If there was one thing Hamato Leonardo truly hated doing, it was disappointing his father.

"Sensei, about earlier... " Not quite sure where to start, Leo decided an apology was in order, even if it didn't begin to make up for what he had done. At least it was something... "I'm sorry for what I said and did."

Beside Leonardo, Raph shifted in his shell before grunting out, "Me, too, Sensei."

Master Splinter's initial response was a loud exhale that came dangerously close to a growl, but he soon spoke in a hushed tone. Whether or not that was because half of the family was sleeping, Leonardo wasn't sure. Perhaps his father was just that exhausted.

"Your brother has been through a terrible ordeal. He does not need the two of you at odds over it. What he needs is all of our support if he is going to get better."

Both boys nodded and simultaneously uttered the words, "Hai, Sensei." With their heads hung down low, there was no mistaking the shame they were feeling inside.

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