Chapter 25 - Far From Okay

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: I'm back with chapter 25 of 'Slash's Revenge' and this one is rather emotional. I got pretty choked up during my editing.

I want to thank every one of you for your continued support. I appreciate your kindness so much. Thank you for being so incredibly awesome. I adore you all! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you like the new chapter. Thank you for reading, my friends.



Chapter 25 – Far From Okay

"How is he, Sensei?"

All eyes were fixed on Master Splinter as he approached the five teenagers anxiously awaiting his response to Leonardo's question. They had all wanted to ask the same thing, but the oldest turtle had managed to gasp it out first.

"Donatello's leg wound was badly infected, but I do not believe the bacteria entered the bloodstream or caused damage to his internal organs. The healing mantras should help him to fight off the infection, but we will need to closely monitor his condition and watch for any signs of blood poisoning."

"So... does that mean he's gonna be okay?" Hands pushed together as though in prayer, Mikey peered up at his father with a hopeful yet frightened expression. If Sensei answered 'no,' Michelangelo was quite certain he would collapse into a puddle of tears on the floor and cease to exist.

"Your brother is very ill and will most likely be incapacitated for some time, Michelangelo, but with proper care and treatment, he should make a full recovery."

An elated sob erupted out of Mikey and he threw his arms around April, who seemed just as thrilled as he was. They weren't the only ones. Even Raphael had a huge grin on his face.

Then, came the dreaded, "However... "

With that single word, all celebration stopped cold and what little color had returned to their faces just moments before immediately drained away. They turned to see that Master Splinter's expression was now unnervingly somber.

Past experiences told them that their sensei didn't generally use 'however' before delivering good news. It was one of those terms that instantly struck fear into the hearts of all four brothers.

"I must caution you that Donatello's spirit has been deeply hurt by his ordeal. There are many wounds that lie well beneath the surface. Ones we cannot see, nor can we heal with the aid of medicine or mantras. These wounds will be much more difficult to mend. Do you understand what I am saying, my sons?"

"Yeah. You're saying all that awful stuff Slash said to D made him super sad."

A long pause followed Michelangelo's response. Something that did not go undetected by the two eldest turtles. When their father spoke again, his tone sounded off. Much more distant than just seconds before, as though he was distracted by his own thoughts.

"I am afraid your brother's mental wounds extend far beyond what was said to him."

Seeing his father deliberately break eye contact with Mikey sent Raph's mind reeling with questions. Questions he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answers to.

"What are you trying to tell us, Sensei?" There was a dangerous edge to Raphael's voice that warned he was nearing his snapping point. The whites of his eyes glowed with unmistakable rage.

Worried that his temperamental son had jumped to a grievously wrong conclusion, Splinter was quick to clarify his meaning. "Your brother was treated inhumanely for ten days, Raphael. He was clearly deprived of proper nutrition and rest, kept inside a cage, forced to wear a collar and muzzle, and severely beaten. There will be lasting effects to his psyche."

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