Chapter 26 - An Unpopular Decision

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

Special Note: I want to say a huge thanks to DonnysGirl87 (aka donniesgirl87​) for creating the amazing artwork for this chapter. I absolutely love how it turned out and I'm so grateful to you, DonnysGirl87! Thank you a million times and then some. You're so very awesome! ILY!

*Author's Notes: I've finally returned with a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge' and it's yet another emotional one.

Thank you so very much to all my friends, followers, and readers. I'm incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful people reading my stories. I appreciate you all more than words can say.

I truly hope you enjoy the chapter.



Chapter 26 – An Unpopular Decision

Daylight slowly crept its way inside the lair through the overhead grates, but no one even noticed. The family was all gathered around Donatello's bed, waiting for the genius turtle to open his eyes. It had been over eight hours since they had returned home, and still, the wounded turtle showed no signs of waking. He was just lying on his bed, frightfully still.

Currently, Master Splinter stood vigil at the foot of the bed while Leonardo and Michelangelo sat beside their unconscious brother. April was wringing out a fresh washcloth for Donatello's forehead at the same time as Casey was retrieving another large pot of clean, lukewarm water. Raphael was leaning in the corner of the room with his arms tightly folded across his chest. It was obvious from the distance he kept between himself and all of them that he was still battling with his inner demons, but no one asked any questions. Donatello was their primary concern right now.

All the air emptied out of Mikey's lungs in the form of a loud sigh for at least the fourth time during the last fifteen minutes. And just like the three previous sighs, Mikey's whiny voice followed mere seconds later.

"Shouldn't he be awake by now? Maybe you need to do that whole healing thingy again, Sensei."

And just like the three previous times, Master Splinter was quick to call for patience.

"We must be patient, Michelangelo. Donatello's body demands rest after all that he has been through. He will return to us in due time."

"But it's been like hours!" The 'end of the world' tone Mikey adopted made Splinter's lips curl up into a slight smirk. Waiting had never been his youngest child's strong suit.

"Perhaps it would be best for you to try to get some rest, my son."

Mikey's eyes widened in overly dramatic fashion, as though his father had just said the most shocking thing he had ever heard.

"NO! I can't leave him! I've gotta be here when he wakes up so I... so I can tell him how much I care about him! He needs to know that! If I'm not here, he'll – " Mikey had to pause for breath that didn't want to come. Each inhale sounded like a desperate, squeaky whimper. Sloppy tears made their way down his round face as he seized Donnie's hand in his own. "Please, Sensei! Don't make me go!"

"Michelangelo... " The whisper-soft sentence never made it past the first word. Not when Master Splinter could see how much this meant to his youngest son. Michelangelo was holding onto Donatello's hand as though he'd never let go. Then, came the heartfelt plea no one in their right mind could possibly refuse...

"Please, can I stay with him 'til he wakes up, papa?"

The usage of the word 'papa' took Master Splinter somewhat by surprise. The boys had stopped calling him that years ago, so to hear it again instantly felt like someone tugging at his heart strings. Bottom lip quivering against his will, the troubled father turned and lowered his head to hide the moment of weakness.

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