Chapter 2 - Red-hot

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: I've returned with a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge.'

I want to start off by thanking everyone for the positive feedback on the first chapter of this story. I'm super glad it was so well-received.

Next, I want to say a special thank you to my absolutely amazing friend, Joanne N. Grey. She's my new creative consultant/beta reader for 'Slash's Revenge' and she's also one of the most awesome people I've ever 'met.' I love her dearly!

I could probably keep expressing my gratitude to all of you for another fifty pages or more, but I'm guessing you'd much prefer me going right into the second chapter instead. XD

I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. ;)



Chapter 2 - Red-hot

If Raphael sunk any deeper into the recesses of the tattered, old beanbag chair that he was presently sulking in, he may as well have been sitting directly on the tile floor beneath him. He shifted and wriggled his weight around, in hopes of finding a more relaxing position, but alas, comfort was simply not meant to be.


There had seemed to be a black cloud hovering over him from the moment he had crawled out of bed that morning. Nothing was going right, and now, he wasn't even able to properly veg out in his favorite chair. It was just the whipped cream and sprinkles on top of his already rotten day.

Raphael let out an irritated grunt which everyone within hearing range immediately blew off. Not because they didn't care, but because Raph letting out an irritated grunt was nothing out of the ordinary. It was par for the course, actually. In fact, the temperamental turtle would be much more likely to garner his family's attention if he didn't make an irritable noise every few minutes or so.

As if to illustrate that point, Raph snorted in disgust.

This blows...

Burying his face deeper into the pages of the comic book he had been attempting to read for the past fifteen minutes, Raphael did his best to ignore the commotion his three annoying brothers were causing about the lair. Their obnoxiously loud activities while he was trying to concentrate were grating on his very last nerve, as usual. But due to Raphael's exceptionally lousy day, his siblings were even more of a pain in the shell than normal. Thus, making his typical foul mood that much fouler.

He was beginning to understand why his father had gone out for a walk about an hour ago and not come back yet. Raph found himself wishing that he would have gone with. Master Splinter wasn't much of a talker while out on his 'walks,' so the turtle in red would have gotten some much-needed peace and quiet.

With fiery, green eyes, Raphael peered over the top of his comic book at the brother who was currently making the most noise out of the three.

As to be expected, Raph's youngest brother, Michelangelo, was planted in front of the blaring television set, sitting far too close to the monitor for his eyes' own good. He was slouched over with his legs folded out to the side. The bottoms of his oversized feet were pressed together and his elbows were resting on his knee pads. His face donned a dopey grin and his vacant gaze was glued to the TV screen, intently watching his new favorite show, 'Super Robo Mecha Force Five!' Mikey had discovered the show when he had scored a pile of old VHS tapes in a garbage dumpster. The fact that he had found the tapes in the trash should have been a warning, but despite how bad the show was, the youngest turtle had somehow gotten all three of his brothers hooked on the super cheesy anime cartoon. Well, for a little while, until they ran out of new episodes to watch.

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