Chapter 1

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"Come on you cannot judge him you've never even met him before!" Amara yelled as we walked into the school.

She was talking about her other best friend that wasn't me. She started talking about him a lot more lately, apparently he was moving to Michigan where we live. He is moving from Australia and him and Amara were friends when she lived in there. She moved here 6 years ago when she was 10 but they always stayed close I guess.

"I don't know Mar, I mean I looked at his Instagram and twitter and he seems a bit depressed and like a total and honestly if he is I don't need that in my life right now and you of all people know that." I stated.

She just nodded. She really wanted me and this kid to be friends and I'm not sure why.

"Why so down girls? Did you miss me?!" a familiar voice yelled from down the hall. Amara and I both looked up and screamed.

"MIKEY, CALUM!!!" I jumped into Michael's arms and Amara did the same to Calum. Michael span me around and set me down and Amara and I switched who we were hugging.

"You guys weren't supposed to be here for another month almost, what are you doing here!?" I exclaimed surprised to see my best friends again so soon.

"Oh. Do you guys want us to leave, it's totally ok if you do?" Michael teased.

" Shut up you idiot." Amara laughed.

Calum and Michael had gone to Australia for their soccer team. I knew that since they were home early that their team did really bad, so I just didn't ask.

Calum put his arm around my head and put my in a head lock rubbing my head with his fist. I repetitively hit his hands laughing. It was so great for all of us to be together again after so long and I loved it. We headed to first hour which we all had together. Michael was talking to Amara and they were in some deep conversation. It was obvious to everyone that Michael and Amara had more then just friendly feelings for each other. Calum and i didn't dare say anything though we knew if we did we would get our balls chopped off.

We took a seat in class Michael and Calum sat behind Amara and I. Michael was throwing paper at me and I decided to ignore him to see how mad he would get. That apparently wasn't the best decision because seconds later was hit in the head with a note book. I turned around and mouthed "WHAT" he smirked and pointed at his phone indicating for me to check my phone. I looked to see I had 20 texts from Michael all sent in the last 5 minuets.


'Come over later?'


'We can get pizza'

'fine it doesn't have to have sausage on it'

'wow I'm being nice and you're still not answering'

They went on like that. I turned around and nodded at him.

"First day back Mr. Clifford and you're already causing trouble?"

"Sorry Sir, I was trying to talk to my friend i haven't seen in months. Is that a problem?" Michael confidently said. Kid didn't take shit from anybody.

"I'll see both you and Ms. James after class, yes?" Mr. Smith asked. We both nodded. I bit my lip with tears streaming down my face trying not to laugh.

"But Sir?" Calum yelled standing up, " Did you not miss me? Why am I not aloud to come?" that's when I lost it and started laughing.

"Ms. James I do not think this is funny at all. How about all you out caster trouble makers come see me after schools for detention?" the laughing was stopped and we all nodded. Today was not gonna be easy, with these kids was it?

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