Chapter 9

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"Holy shit Michael, did you have to get a flight so damn early?" Nicole whined as we started to walk out of the parking complex and into the airport.

"I wanted a nice hotel and that meant early and cheap flight." Michael replied yawning.

Nicole was dragging her feet to an extreme point. She had her hair in a top knot with sweat pants on and one of Calum's sweatshirts he gave her in the car. She kept sighing and walking very slow.

"Get on." I said bending down so she could get on my back. Calum took her suit case and Michael took mine. They were all willing to if it shut Nicole up. She jumped on my back and I held her legs as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I started running and she grabbed my neck tighter and started laughing.

We made it in the doors and right away she pointed in the other direction.

"Holy shit there's a Starbucks go now my trusty steed." She exclaimed repetitively hitting my shoulder. I walked into the Starbucks and set her down as we entered.

"Can I get a Hot chocolate and just some how add caffeine to that and also I get two birthday cake cake pops." Nicole asked the women and then payed and went to sit down on a couch to wait. I ordered after her and then went over to the couch she was on.

"Excited for California?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Indeed I am." She said laying her head in my lap and closing her eyes. I was freaking out it was like someone threw a bomb full of butterflies in my stomach. I would have totally have taken this as a sign she liked me, but she did it to Calum on the way here and it was like 5:30 in the morning. Our order was called and we both got up to get our stuff. She drank her drink and smiled when she realized it did indeed have caffeine in it.

We then saw Mar, Cal, and Mikey checking in so we rushed over to them. We went through security and waited to board. There were only 7 other people boarding out plane. A young family with 2 kids and 2 girls sleeping on each other and a boy in the corner sitting by himself in the corner listening to music tapping on his shoe to the beat.

Nicole finished her drink already more awake. She started making conversation.

"That's sad." She muttered looking over at the boy sitting by himself.

"Yeah I was almost gonna go talk to him but I didn't know if that would be weird or not." Before I could finish my thought Nicole got up and went over to talk to him.


Not gonna lie this kid was pretty cute. He had light brown curly hair and big framed glasses on and hazel eyes. He looked pretty tall but the boys were pretty tall to I was used to it. He also had huge feet.

"Hey." I said sitting down next to him. He looked up and took his headphones out.

"Oh, uh hey. Sorry if I was bothering you.." He started but I cut him off.

" No, not at all. I just saw you were on the same flight as us and no one should be going to California by them selves. Why are you going out there?" I asked smiling.

"Actually I am sadly going alone all my friends ditched me cause of a dumb rumor someone started, but anyways I am going to Cochella. What about you? I assume those are your friends staring over at us." He said smiling and waving at them.

"Yeah we are going to Cochella too." I said. "What shows are you most excited to see?" I asked.

"Umm.. well obviously AC/DC and probably ALT- J and Florence and the Machine. How about you?" He asked.

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