Chapter 3

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"MICHAEL" I squealed as we started a heated make-out session.

"Please not now." He giggled throw kisses.

"Michael." I said sternly pushing him away. "We have to talk about this. What do we do?" I chocked out. It hurt me so much to see this happen to Nik. Her life is literally terrible. We left out so much when telling Luke. None of us had the heart to say it.

"I didn't know it even got this bad." Michael exclaimed. "Before we left it was a few pushes and mean word. Which is not okay. But this? Is not okay AT ALL!" He said pulling at his hair looking down. Michael wished so badly that he could fight back for Nicole but it was NOT an option. He could get really out of hand. Once we almost put a kid in a coma and that scared the shit out of him. Mikey was the most caring and loving guy but when it came to protection who he loves things were bad.

"I wish I could beat him up." He cried. " I can't do anything to help my best friend well pretty much sister and that kills me Mar. It does more then you will ever know." he looked at me with puffy cheeks and red eyes. This was really getting to him. And he couldn't do anything. She looked really bad after we found her. And Michael cried so hard carrying her home. She was knocked out for a long time. He was so scared.

"I know Mikey. I know." I soothed pulling him into a hug and rubbing his back. I didn't like seeing Nik like this either. I tear rolled down my face, but I quickly brushed it away. I had to stay strong for my friends.

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