Chapter 14

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We were sitting in the airport all moping around. It was about 4:30 in the morning and we all were sitting in our terminal and waiting to be boarded on.

Ashton had switched his flight to the same as ours. He was gonna go stay with Nicole for awhile and try to figure out some family problems. Apparently there grandparents were still alive and they wanted to track them down.

I could tell that things were really starting to get tough for Luke. During most of the performances as Cochella Ashton and Nicole would break apart from us and go on there own. It was driving Luke insane. He told us he kissed her and we all knew that probably didn't go over well.

Neither Calum nor I have talked to Nicole in the last few days. She is being ridiculous. I know she was hurt but she is totally playing it on to long and torturing Luke on purpose. Even though there is no chance of her and Ashton getting together since they are cousins, she flirted with every guy there. She almost seemed to be turning into the old Nicole again and we didn't want that. She told one guy that was a guitar player for a band that she preferred drummers not guitar players and then looked back at Luke and winked before walking up to the drummer of the band and making out with him. When she did that Luke ran away. An hour later Amara called me and told me to meet her at McDonald's. I walked in to see a wore down Luke curled up in a ball in the booth. His eyes were stained with tears.

That night (last night) Amara had a talk with Nicole and lets say that she didn't take it to well. There were a lot of tears yelling and Amara today has a swollen lip and Nicole had a bloody cut across her forehead.

None of us have talked to Nicole since. She is totally going off the rails. And I wasn't gonna happen not again. I knew what I had to do and I knew it would be hard for her but it was the only way Cal and I could think of to get her back on track. We planned on giving her a few days to see if she gets better before doing this cause it wasn't anything they could just do.


I was sitting in Starbucks with Calum, Amara and Michael drinking coffee. I slammed my head down on the table.

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