Chapter 10

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We had just gotten off the plane. I fell asleep on Calum about 3 times. Luke kept trying to talk to me but I shut him down each time. He came up to me and tried to take my bag but I just picked it up and walked away. I guess I was somewhat over reacting. Well actually no. He did something that I have always had to deal with and have feared it for so long and just as I thought it was over. He hurt me and it left a nasty bruise. I know Calum is saying he didn't mean to hurt me and I really want to believe him but how can I? Why else would he do it. Just as I started to trust him he lost all my trust in a matter of minuets.

"Here let me take your bag." Ashton said walking up to me. I handed him my suit case and went digging in my backpack to find my wallet.

"Wanna go get some food?" I asked as I pulled out my money. He nodded.

"Anyone else wanna come get food with us?" I said staring at everybody but Luke. Michael grabbed Amara's hand and ran towards the McDonald's I pointed at. Calum nodded as well and looked back at Luke who followed with distance. I saw Calum wait up for him and they started talking but I couldn't hear. All I saw was Luke put his hands on his face before stopping and sitting down.

"Oh god." I muttered rubbing my face.

"What wrong little Nicole?" Ashton asked smiling putting his arm over my shoulder. I know it seems fast but it is crazy how much a 5 hour flight with 2 hour lay over can make you bond with a person.

"I don't know. Its just that Luke really did do something not okay and considering my past I should never forgive him, but I hate seeing him this sad." I said looking back to see Luke curled up in a chair with tear streamed down his cheeks. Calum was trying his best to comfort him.

"Well I don't know exactly happened in your past and if you don't want to you don't have to tell me, but in the end Nik it's up to you if you lose a friend making you sad, OR taking a few days and forgiving him and taking the chance of him doing it again. And let me tell you if he does, that time you don't give him any second chances." He said.

"Thanks Ash." I said as he pulled me into a hug. We walked into and I had already made my decision and I don't think I was intending on changing it anytime soon. I couldn't


Calum had told me he tried, but didn't think I was gonna get much luck. I had told the boys a few weeks ago that I had a major crush on Nicole and they didn't seem surprised. They said that Nicole was totally oblivious about it. When Calum told me her arm was really bad looking. A little cut up, red and completely bruised I lost it. I sat down in a chair and cried for a good 10 minuets. I couldn't deal with the fact that I hurt her. It hurt me to see her hurting and it hurt 10 times more seeing I was the one who hurt her.

The one thing that was good about this is that Calum and I were bonding quite a bit and he said I was one of his best friends and I agreed with him. Amara was pretty pissed at me as well for hurting Nicole and I couldn't standing the two most important people in my life be bad at me. It hurt so bad.

Calum knows I do a lot of song writing so he told me to write it out. So that's what I did. The lyrics started with just continuous I'm sorry so while sitting in McDonald's with everybody else I ripped out the pages and threw them in the trash before grabbing my food and walking out. I didn't want to cause a scene but Nicole was being so flirty with Ashton and he was too. And I know why it hurt me so much. I wanted it to be me. But it wasn't and it may never be. (pun intended)

"You okay man?" Calum asked sitting down next to me.

"Calum." I said sitting up.

"Yes Luke?" he said looking me in the eyes.

"He can't have her. I won't let it happen. I know this sounds selfish but no one can have her unless they prove to make her more happy than I ever will. And that is very close to impossible. I would take a bullet for her I would eat people. I would quit playing and writing music. I would leave my family. Runaway. And pay for anything to make her happy. I would give her the world." I said raising my voice to make a point.

"Luke. Listen I know how much she means to you. But in the end it's not really your decision what she does. And man I get you're hurting right now but you need to give her space and wrap your head around this you're being a bit selfish." He said giving me a sympathetic look.

"She may act like she doesn't know me but that won't be forever, I promise you that." I stated not stuttering or stopping once cause it was true. I had to have her. No. I needed to have her.

I stood up and walked outside. It was warm in Los Angles. I sat on a bench just thinking of all the things I would do to get her back. I hailed a taxi.

"Take me to the nearest piercing place and then to the nearest shopping mall." I said and he nodded as he took off. This was it. My trying ways to get her back.

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