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"Sonic wake up"Tails say while opening Sonic's door "yea.. looks so cute" Sonic said rubbing tails head "stop everyone waiting for you downstairs. "
"Already I didn't know they came this early like isn't it like 6;09"Sonic said with confusion in his eyes "Wow Sonic have you went to school when you were little" silent filled the room Sonic knew exactly about his past but never told anyone"well no tails but I just woke up anyways what time is it" Sonic than got up and change clothes while tails took out his phone "well it's 12:44"

"Are you joking tails"Sonic said running around his room putting on a fancy suit he than grab he's hat and ran past tails to downstairs

"Hey Sonic how was your TWO HOUR SLEEP Amy suggests that we left you sleeping but that took to long so welcome"Shadow said angrily at Sonic while staring at him in the eye, Sonic than gulp and responded back "well you didn't have to wait,you could just have woken me up so what were eating"Amy than looked at Sonic with joy"We are eating fish and rice it's one of my favorite foods"Sonic than slowly sat next to shadow.

Oh hell no I hate fish and plus it's wet and it's from the ocean Sonic though

"Gre.. a.. t"Sonic said with fear in his voice and stuttering.He than had a plan. "Amy I'm gonna use the bathroom he than grab his phone." what was his phone number again oh yea I saw it on his papers hmm 561-274-9898,Done ok let's call him.

Sonic: hello

Unknown : who is this?

Sonic: well let's say you already know me but you are pretty dum

Unknown: I'm certainly not dum I'm the smartest person who has ever lived

Sonic: No your not eggman well it's me Sonic and u want to ask you a favor

Eggman: SONIC!! Why are you calling me we are enemy
Eggman: what a favor why should I do you a favor.

Sonic: well... Ehh.. I'll make you a deal If you do me favor

Eggman: that does sound nice... Alright pest I'll do your favor what do you want?

Sonic: can you attack the house I kinda have a situation here

Eggman: ho ho ho I like your thinking Sonic

Sonic: so what do you want in return?

Eggman: ......... .....

Sonic: eggman??

Eggman: well you can do it in the attack, to be honest I never get to hit you it brings me such joy when you get hit with
my incredible weapons when I say pest twice that's when you get hit.
Sonic: .. Ok?

Hangs up phone call

Eggman point of view

"Ho ho ho he doesn't know what's coming... Eh kinda" Doctor eggman than press a huge red button "This is my strongest army that should weaken sonic than ill say pest twice and he'll get hit from my ray ho ho ho this should make him under my control and than I'll rule the world"eggman had a huge evil grin in his face than got ready for the attack on his egg mobile.

Amy point of view

Sonic has been there a long time maybe I should check in him

I than walked to the bathroom door and overheard Sonic said "ok?"

Why is he saying ok is he saying that to the toilet or he's done or I don't wanna even think about the possibility I than knock the door

"Sonic your done the food is set in the table" Amy than started to knock more and than sonic than open the door

He's sweating that weird the house is at 75 degrees he's probably nervous but why

I have all these question

Amy than return to reality

"Uhh Amy why we're you there"sonic said, I than saw a drop of sweat fall from Sonic face "your missing dinner" Amy said obviously "Come on your late" "oh... Yea..."Sonic said muttering under his breath

Sonic point of view

I than followed Amy to the table and sat next to shadow and tails "come.. On"Sonic said, than shadow said "what did you say Sonic?" Sonic responded back quickly "Nothing"

BANG a huge noise can be heard outside

"Yes he's here" Sonic said while whispering unfortunately shadow heard what he have said "who's here?" "No one"

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