Chapter 13:Anchor

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Shadow point of view

We landed in tails garage and went to sonic room to check on him he was gone we than ran to the kitchen and we heard the tv on

We quickly ran to see what it was and it said
"Some type of creature or Mobian
is attacking the city we are now evacuating the whole city pls stay safe and get your necessary news 5 off"We than looked at the picture carefully and it was but before I could say it tails shouted "SONIC"

"What triggered him?"I asked him and he glared back "Idk I wasn't here, you think I know everything"Tails shouted, I left tails flying alone and found sonic destroying a building

"Stop it sonic this isn't you"I shouted to get his attention and it did "But this is me can't you see"He than threw a power blast and I dodge it

It had crystals yikes "Sonic you don't need to do this"And he flew to me 3 inches away from my face "Oh but I do"I see a slight smirk appear his face and he grabbed me by the neck "Oh if isn't the ultimate life form coming to save me"He flew higher and higher "Sonic let go"He just ignored me and kept flying

I had no choice but I took out the 7 chaos emeralds and turned super "Come back you foolish child"I than threw a punch but he kept dodging me, he was faster than ever

"This gonna be fun I haven't fought in a while"He went really fast and hit me in the stomach and fell down but survived "ughh, what trig-ggered y-you"He looked in me in the eyes and and a evil grin appear "THAT YOU ALL LEFT ME"then it hit me, we just left him with question that scared the heck out of him than we left him all alone

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you and I'm sorry that you felt alone but I'm here now so let's make the time for it"I know I'm gonna regret this later but I had to do it

He than let a bit of grip go and looked to me head to toe, but than he shook his head "It's to late for that"And he regained his grip

I than took of my rings and said "I'm sorry"And hugged him in the process "chaos blast"And there it was I woke up and looked around for sonic

"Sonic where are you"I wasn't in my form anymore, I saw a hint of blue under some wood I quickly ran to it and pulled sonic out

Tails than arrived and found me and sonic on the ground "SONIC"He screamed crying, I know how sad he will be and he will need to process this

"Sonic are you ok"He ask but nothing came out

I than put my head on his chest a check for a pulse or At least a breath

"I'm sorry but he's-gone"I was able to say before tails was able to cry more and he did and didn't say anything

3 hours later

"The hospital recovered his body tails so later on we can have a funeral ok"I said in holding my tears knowing this is the last time I'm gonna see him

"Yea..."Than he ended the call and started to call sonic other friends to attend his funeral

The last person I called was rouge and told her the news afterwords I said "so since we were dating before any of this happen can you help me find something to wear, this is special for me"I told her and she responded back "I guess this is important I'll help you and of course me too"

That's when we ended the call and we went to the mall to get some sad clothing is which I can say

The next day

"NO DONT"Tails screamed as they were putting sonic in his grave "Sorry tails I know this is the hardest for you"Knuckles comfort him

"Any of you want to say your goodbyes"The random mobian said "yes"Amy said and went next to his grave "He was my boyfriend and always protected me and others but most importantly he was the hero of mobias and kept everyone safe"She than went down with tears in her eyes

"I'm next"Tails said letting go of knuckles the echidna

"He was my brother and was my saver he loved me and his friends and never left my side so I'm sorry if I wasn't good enough, love y-you sonic"He ran down crying back to the echidna

"My turn"I went next to his grave and took a huge breath "Sonic you were my rival than my friend who always tried to make me smile or atleast laugh but nothing work but than we got closer and you help me smile and laugh and that's when you became my happiness and my lover, thank you for being my savor before I was long gone"I smiled a bit and got down and I felt a single tear fell down my eyes

We than all look around and said altogether "GOODBYE SONIC"


The end that was the last chapter I hope you guys liked it

Except the death part, pls tell me if you have any other ideas for any other story I'm already making another one

Goodbye fans 🥹

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