Chapter 11:Questions

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Sonic point of view

"Questions?"I said after tails asked me, "why do you want to ask questions? Your my best buddy"I said and I sweat drop fell from my face I hope he didn't see that "it got to do with something umm what did he call himself dark so-."I than cut him off "HE DIDN'T TELL YOU ANYTHING"Than tails looked at me shocked that I snapped but I didn't care than I saw the door "don't you even think of leaving"shadow said to me

Answer them sonic you know it'll get worse if you don't tell

I can tell he was grinning "ok ok I'll tell you the truth what first"I started crying when I said that
"Sonic dark said you had a dark past what is he talking about"Tails said to me but my heart skipped a beat


I than got out the store scaring off some customers and some workers and with my little bro on my side we stole some bags of money "Great job bro"I told him "heh whatever so what you wanna do today"I hugged him and said "Maybe we should join a gang we are pretty lonely since I killed mom and dad"I said to scourge

"Great plan I did saw a flier in the ally way let's go there"we than started running there

End of flashback

2 hours past

"We are here let me sign us up and tomorrow we will get a interview"

End of flashback

I gulped and said "Y-you promise you won't judge me I was young and I was in a sketchy neighborhood" I can't believe I stuttered, they both looked at each other and nodded "We promise" They both said

"I lived with my brother scourge and both my parents were dead because I killed them I also robbed and killed others and bullied them but one day we uhh" I than started crying because it was to painful to go any further "I killed my parents I'm horrible I should be dead"I cried even more and than I felt someone touch my shoulders "It's ok sonic umm kinda but why did you do it"The two tails fox asked me

"I though it was cool and I was stubborn" I said

"Still kinda are"shadow said whispering by I could still hear him

"I HEARD THAT"I hit him in the head with a pillow "But what happen why did you stop and moved out"Shadow asked me with an eyebrow up

"I was kinda like a villain back there but I stop until he killed him or I"I than wrap my self with my blanket and started crying again

"Who died?"Tails asked me "It hurts but if you really want to know it was my"I than started to stutter when I try to say the word brother
"It was my brother"I than wanted no more question

3rd person point of view

"Ok sonic that's all? Or is there more"Tails continue writing notes of what sonic said and shadow just doing nothing but staring "yes but it got to do with the city I was in this-.."Sonic said but stop and fell unconscious "sonic?"shadow said and touch his shoulder and shakes him "he must've been overwhelmed"tails said than shadow grabbed him and left him in his bed under the covers

"He was about to say something about the city he was in and something with it? What do you think it is?"shadow asked tails not looking at him but at sonic

"Idk what he was gonna say but maybe the answers are at the city"Tails said while packing a bag with his notes and money, extra clothes, and a few gadgets

"So we are going to the city?"Shadow said

"Yes indeed we are we can find out a lot from sonic there"The two tails fox responded


Sorry that was so short it was the shortest I have wrote I always try to make more and sorry for the wait is that I needed a break

I'll try to write more ok but if I don't it means I'm in a break

Bye guys

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