Chapter 10:Dark super sonic

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Tails point of view.

It was pitch black everywhere we go I was holding onto knuckles hand "Sonic show yourself"I said than heard heavy breathing I turned around and saw glimpse of green "No it's horrible-..I'm fine just go home"He open the door but still couldn't see him

Before I could leave, knuckles started to scream at sonic "Why did you do that to Amy sonic, she's a sweet girl and your a horrible monster"knuckles said angry than I heard things falling and heard a body fall "Sonic are you ok"he didn't answer but than I heard a laugh but not a sweet laugh you can laugh with friends a physco laugh

Went on like this "we need to help sonic"I said than looked around the house "Why should help him"I than rolled my eyes I know that's not sonic he needs help I found a light switch and turned it on

The light was bright and I heard a scream "TURN IT OFF YOU BASTAR"I look around to see who said it because the voice was deep

It came from sonic "Sonic I'm here to help not criticize you"I saw his fur it was darker and he's eyes were darker too "What happen" I asked him but he rolled up and started crying?

"Sonic it's ok you didn't do anything alright"I said to calm him down I never seen him like this my blue hero "yes I did I killed them all"Sonic said

Knuckles than responded "I knew it you did kill Amy"He than nodded yes

"Why sonic she's your friend"Than I touched his leg so I can company him and he slaps my hand off "Don't touch me you'll get hurt too"He than unrolled and got up "I'm going to the kitchen"Sonic said on the way his skin got even darker and saw his face was having a glow but couldn't see it

Than I heard giggling in the kitchen and a sharp knife "KNUCKLES RUN"he than was confused and than we saw sonic? Come out the kitchen he had white glowing eyes and skin super dark

"Sonic stop"I said but he only laughed more "I'm not sonic tails I'm dark super sonic but sonic knows me as dark" He said

"Sonic knows you but why you trying to kill us and where is he"Knuckles got in front of me to keep me safe

"I am sonic oh yea I forgot he didn't tell you, I'm part of him I was created my his evil desires now where we're we oh yea killing you"Dark said

"But how, he's a hero he can't have evil desires he's only good"I said "well sorry to break your heart but he is evil inside"He than started to walk towards us than stop "you know if you want the truth sonic can tell he is the one who experienced"Dark said

He than fell to the ground unconscious and the fur turn blue again I ran to him and grabbed him and called shadow

Minutes late he chaos control to us "Hey shadow can you hold sonic and chaos control us to our house"I said to shadow while he was picking up sonic

"Chaos control"shadow said and we were there in a flash "put him in the room and lock the door"I said and he did

Now we where inside with him and we waited for him to wake up

2 hours later

Shadow was sleeping but I was still awake I was scared and needed answers than I saw sonic wake up "Shadow shadow shadow wake up he's awake"He started to wake up but he was still half asleep and said "yea yea"I than looked back at sonic and he was shaking

"Your ok sonic"he than nodded yes "ju-jus-just scared a little I mean sleepy"sonic said but I heard perfectly what he said

"Sonic we have questions to ask you"I said


Wow dark sonic has finally left and tails finally sad it's sad that Amy died but she was useless anyways

So what questions will tails ask?will sonic answer them? Keep reading to find out

Sorry if I'm late it's the writing becoming little lazy since everyday I'm writing anyways comment and Vote and you have any ideas since I am struggling with inspiration pls message me byes

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